70.390.080  <<  70.390.090 >>   70.390.100

Underinsurance surveyReporting.

(1) At least biennially, the board shall conduct a survey of underinsurance among Washington residents.
(a) The survey shall be conducted among a representative sample of Washington residents. Analysis of the survey results shall be disaggregated to the greatest extent feasible by demographic factors such as race, ethnicity, gender and gender identity, age, disability status, household income level, type of insurance coverage, geography, and preferred language. In addition, the survey shall be designed to allow for the analyses of the aggregate impact of out-of-pocket costs and premiums according to the standards in (b) of this subsection as well as the share of Washington residents who delay or forego care due to cost.
(b) The board shall measure underinsurance as the share of Washington residents whose out-of-pocket costs over the prior 12 months, excluding premiums, are equal to:
(i) For persons whose household income is over 200 percent of the federal poverty level, 10 percent or more of household income;
(ii) For persons whose household income is less than 200 percent of the federal poverty level, five percent or more of household income; or
(iii) For any income level, deductibles constituting five percent or more of household income.
(c) Beginning in 2026, the board may implement improvements to the measure of underinsurance defined in (b) of this subsection, such as a broader health care affordability index that considers health care expenses in the context of other household expenses.
(2) At least biennially, the board shall conduct a survey of insurance trends among employers and employees. The survey must be conducted among a representative sample of Washington employers and employees.
(3) The board may conduct the surveys through the authority, by contract with a private entity, or by arrangement with another state agency conducting a related survey.
(4) Beginning in 2025, analysis of the survey results shall be included in the annual report required by RCW 70.390.070.
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