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PDFRCW 60.52.010

Liens authorized—Filing statement.

In order to secure to the owner or owners of sires payment for service, the following provisions are enacted: That every owner of a sire having a service fee, in order to have a lien upon the female served, and upon the get of any such sire, under the provisions of this chapter, for such service, shall file for record with the county auditor of the county where said sire is kept for service a statement, verified by oath or affirmation, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, giving the name, age, description, and pedigree, as well as the terms and conditions upon which such sire is advertised for service: PROVIDED, That owners of sires who are not in possession of pedigrees for such sires shall not be debarred from the benefits of this chapter.
[ 2012 c 117 s 154; 1890 p 451 s 1; RRS s 3056.]