Chapter 49.85 RCW



HTMLPDF 49.85.010Legislative findings.
HTMLPDF 49.85.015Definitions.
HTMLPDF 49.85.020Change in controlIncumbent and successor grocer employee lists.
HTMLPDF 49.85.025Change in controlEmployee retentionTransition period.
HTMLPDF 49.85.030Change in controlApplicabilityDislocated grocery worker allowance.
HTMLPDF 49.85.035Change in controlPublic notice.
HTMLPDF 49.85.040Adverse actionAssertion of employee rights.
HTMLPDF 49.85.045Employee cause of actionRemediesNotice of violation.
HTMLPDF 49.85.050Food desert exemption.
HTMLPDF 49.85.055Change in controlGrocery retailer mergerClosures in food desertsNotice requirements.
HTMLPDF 49.85.060Small employer exemption.
HTMLPDF 49.85.065Preemption.
HTMLPDF 49.85.900Wrongful termination action not limited.