43.180.140  <<  43.180.150 >>   43.180.160

PDFRCW 43.180.150

Bond issuesTermsIssuancePurchase, etc.

(1) The commission's bonds shall bear such date or dates, mature at such time or times, be in such denominations, be in such form, be registered or registrable in such manner, be made transferable, exchangeable, and interchangeable, be payable in such medium of payment, at such place or places, be subject to such terms of redemption, bear such fixed or variable rate or rates of interest, be payable at such time or times, and be sold in such manner and at such price or prices, as the commission determines. The bonds shall be executed by the chair, by either its duly elected secretary or its treasurer, and by the trustee or paying agent if the commission determines to use a trustee or paying agent for the bonds. Execution of the bonds may be by manual or facsimile signature.
(2) The bonds of the commission shall be subject to such terms, conditions, covenants, and protective provisions as are found necessary or desirable by the commission, including, but not limited to, pledges of the commission's assets, setting aside of reserves, limitations on additional forms of indebtedness, and the mortgaging of all or any part of the commission's real or personal property, then owned or thereafter acquired, and other provisions the commission finds are necessary or desirable for the security of bond holders.
(3) Any security interest created in the unexpended bond proceeds and in the special funds created by the commission shall be immediately valid and binding against such moneys and any securities in which such moneys may be invested without commission or trustee possession thereof, and the security interest shall be prior to any party having any competing claim in such moneys or securities, without filing or recording pursuant to *chapter 62A.9 RCW and regardless of whether the party has notice of the security interest.
(4) When issuing bonds, the commission may provide for the future issuance of additional bonds or parity debt on a parity with outstanding bonds, and the terms and conditions of their issuance. The commission may refund or advance refund any bond of the commission in accordance with chapter 39.53 RCW or issue bonds with a subordinate lien against the fund or funds securing outstanding bonds.
(5) The chair of the state finance committee or the chair's designee shall be notified in advance of the issuance of bonds by the commission in order to promote the orderly offering of obligations in the financial markets.
(6) The members of the commission and any person executing the bonds are not liable personally on the indebtedness or subject to any personal liability or accountability by reason of the issuance thereof.
(7) The commission may, out of any fund available therefor, purchase its bonds in the open market.
[ 1983 c 161 s 15.]


*Reviser's note: Chapter 62A.9 RCW was repealed in its entirety by 2000 c 250 s 9A-901, effective July 1, 2001. For later enactment, see chapter 62A.9A RCW.