Beginning of Chapter  <<  28B.124.010 >>   28B.124.020

Intent—Access to the Washington college grant.

(1) It is the intent of the legislature to remove barriers for students enrolled in a state registered apprenticeship program under chapter 49.04 RCW to access the Washington college grant.
(2) It is the goal of the legislature that students enrolled in state registered apprenticeship programs and receiving related supplemental instruction at a community and technical college have access to the Washington college grant through the financial aid office at their college. The Washington student achievement council shall verify access to the Washington college grant for students enrolled in state registered apprenticeship programs receiving their related supplemental instruction other than at a community and technical college.
(3) The state board for community and technical colleges must fully implement this goal by the beginning of the 2025-26 academic year.
(4) As part of the implementation process, the state board for community and technical colleges must collaborate with the office of student financial assistance, as defined in RCW 28B.92.030, to create a student information technology interface to simplify the application, verification of registration, eligibility, and award to students.
(5) The state board for community and technical colleges and the office of student financial assistance must establish data-sharing agreements with other state agencies to verify student data.
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