Chapter 352-80 WAC
Last Update: 11/28/18NO CHILD LEFT INSIDE
WAC Sections
HTMLPDF | 352-80-010 | Purpose and authority. |
HTMLPDF | 352-80-020 | Definitions. |
HTMLPDF | 352-80-030 | Eligibility. |
HTMLPDF | 352-80-040 | Eligible program activities. |
HTMLPDF | 352-80-050 | Ineligible program activities. |
HTMLPDF | 352-80-060 | Limitations on the availability and use of funds. |
HTMLPDF | 352-80-070 | Applying for funding. |
HTMLPDF | 352-80-080 | Evaluation criteria and process. |
HTMLPDF | 352-80-090 | Program selection. |
HTMLPDF | 352-80-100 | Use of funds. |
Purpose and authority.
The purpose of the outdoor education and recreation grant program is to provide funds for outdoor environmental, ecological, agricultural, or other natural resource based education and recreation programs serving youth. The purpose of this chapter is to establish administrative procedures and set forth eligibility criteria and funding requirements by which the Washington state parks and recreation commission will award outdoor education and recreation grant funds and set conditions related to the use of grant funds. This grant program is governed by this chapter and by RCW 79A.05.351.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 79A.05.030, 79A.05.070, and 79A.05.351. WSR 08-06-013, § 352-80-010, filed 2/21/08, effective 3/23/08.]
(1) "Outdoor education and recreation" means an approach to education and recreation via connectivity and direct experiences in the outdoors; to teach, inspire wonder and creativity while learning from our natural resources and recreational experiences in conjunction with what students are taught in traditional classroom settings.
(2) "Commission" means the Washington state parks and recreation commission.
(3) "Director" means the director of the Washington state parks and recreation commission or the director's designee.
(4) "Education" means to improve students' overall academic performance, life skills, self-esteem, personal responsibility, community involvement, personal health and understanding of nature.
(5) "Recreation" means experiences that take place within natural outdoor environments which foster well-being through a sense of place and interdependence within the natural world.
(6) "State parks" means the operating arm of the Washington state parks and recreation commission, that is responsible for implementation of commission programs established pursuant to statute or policy.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 79A.05.030, 79A.05.070, and 79A.05.351. WSR 08-06-013, § 352-80-020, filed 2/21/08, effective 3/23/08.]
Public agencies, private nonprofit organizations, formal school programs, informal after school programs, and community based programs within Washington state are eligible to apply for grants under this chapter.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 79A.05.030, 79A.05.070, and 79A.05.351. WSR 18-24-046, § 352-80-030, filed 11/28/18, effective 12/29/18; WSR 08-06-013, § 352-80-030, filed 2/21/08, effective 3/23/08.]
Eligible program activities.
The director will select activities eligible for funding. Some of these might include, but are no limited to, the following types of activities:
(1) Outdoor recreation;
(2) Outdoor environmental studies;
(3) Agricultural;
(4) Natural resource based;
(5) Conservation;
(6) Ecological;
(7) Stewardship or restoration.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 79A.05.030, 79A.05.070, and 79A.05.351. WSR 08-06-013, § 352-80-040, filed 2/21/08, effective 3/23/08.]
Ineligible program activities.
The following activities are ineligible:
(1) Activities that may be perceived to lobby or advocate for political purposes.
(2) Activities that are not in compliance with local, state and federal laws.
(3) Organized youth sports such as a community league or school team.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 79A.05.030, 79A.05.070, and 79A.05.351. WSR 08-06-013, § 352-80-050, filed 2/21/08, effective 3/23/08.]
Limitations on the availability and use of funds.
(1) The director may establish limitations on the availability and use of program funds. Any limitations shall be defined in the current application package. The director shall establish such limitations only after considering the following:
(a) Consistency with the legislative intent of RCW 79A.05.351;
(b) Availability of funds.
(2) The director may determine that applicants be required to make a matching contribution to be eligible for funding.
(3) The director may limit the amount of funding available for any element(s) of a program.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 79A.05.030, 79A.05.070, and 79A.05.351. WSR 08-06-013, § 352-80-060, filed 2/21/08, effective 3/23/08.]
Applying for funding.
In order to be considered for receipt of a grant under this chapter, an eligible applicant must complete and submit an application form provided by state parks that follows the instructions provided in the form.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 79A.05.030, 79A.05.070, and 79A.05.351. WSR 08-06-013, § 352-80-070, filed 2/21/08, effective 3/23/08.]
Evaluation criteria and process.
(1) The director shall adopt a competitive evaluation process to guide the allocation of grant funds.
(2) The director shall set priorities and develop criteria for awarding grants considering the following:
(a) Be developed, to a reasonable extent, through the participation of a grant program advisory committee;
(b) Be published in the grant program manual;
(c) Be designed for use by an advisory committee selected for this purpose;
(d) Be in accord with RCW 79A.05.351 and all other applicable statutes and federal laws and rules.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 79A.05.030, 79A.05.070, and 79A.05.351. WSR 18-24-046, § 352-80-080, filed 11/28/18, effective 12/29/18; WSR 08-06-013, § 352-80-080, filed 2/21/08, effective 3/23/08.]
Program selection.
(1) Completed applications will be reviewed by state parks staff to determine eligibility and will be evaluated in accordance with the purposes, eligibility requirements, limitations, and evaluation criteria in this chapter.
(2) Staff will consult with and consider the recommendations of the advisory committee and will present final recommendations to the director.
(3) The director will make the final decision on funding a project.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 79A.05.030, 79A.05.070, and 79A.05.351. WSR 08-06-013, § 352-80-090, filed 2/21/08, effective 3/23/08.]
Use of funds.
The following conditions apply to the use of the funds:
(1) Project contract. For every funded project, a contract must be executed on behalf of the commission and by the funding recipient. Generally, the funding recipient will not be reimbursed for costs incurred prior to the execution of the contract by both parties at the sole discretion of state parks.
(2) Technical standards. The funding recipient for grants under this chapter shall ensure that all programs are in accordance with the technical standards provided by state parks.
(3) Reporting requirements. The funding recipient shall submit the reports required by state parks as directed in the funding contract.
(4) Compliance with state and federal laws, regulations, and policies. In accepting project funding, the funding recipient agrees to and certifies compliance with all applicable federal and state laws, regulations and policies.
(5) Accountability. Funding recipients will maintain accurate accounting records on the expenditure of project funds, provide state parks with these records consistent with the agreement or upon request, and will permit state parks to audit the use of funds in accordance with generally accepted audit practices and standards. State parks reserves the right to terminate its participation in any project which fails to perform according to the requirements of this chapter.
(6) Program evaluation should include participants, family members and teachers who can comment on academic grades or increased interest of the participant to remain in or return to school.
(7) Fees charged. Fees for program services may be assessed for program participants with the approval of state parks.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 79A.05.030, 79A.05.070, and 79A.05.351. WSR 08-06-013, § 352-80-100, filed 2/21/08, effective 3/23/08.]