Chapter 314-18 WAC
Last Update: 11/6/24BANQUET PERMITS
WAC Sections
HTMLPDF | 314-18-010 | Banquet permits—Authorized. |
HTMLPDF | 314-18-020 | Definitions. |
HTMLPDF | 314-18-030 | Applicants—Retail liquor licensees ineligible—Exceptions. |
HTMLPDF | 314-18-040 | Issuance fee—Restrictions. |
HTMLPDF | 314-18-050 | Sale of liquor—Not authorized. |
HTMLPDF | 314-18-060 | Liquor to be served and consumed—Restrictions. |
HTMLPDF | 314-18-070 | Responsibilities of permittee. |
HTMLPDF | 314-18-080 | Hours of operation—Inspection of premises. |
HTMLPDF | 314-18-090 | Misrepresentation on application—Consequences. |
HTMLPDF | 314-18-100 | Penalties. |
Banquet permits—Authorized.
Pursuant to the provisions of RCW 66.20.010, the board may issue banquet permits in accordance with the following rules.
In this chapter unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Permit" means a banquet permit authorized by RCW 66.20.010(3).
(2) "Banquet"
(a) Means any event not open to the general public to be held or conducted at a specific place upon a specific date where the persons in attendance will have some common purpose or interest, either business or social or a combination thereof, for attending;
(b) Does not mean or refer to an event or affair requiring the presence or service of food as might be construed in the more formal sense of that term; nor is there any implication that such events are limited to any specific number of times that they may be held or conducted, if the applicants are qualified and the events are conducted in conformance with this chapter;
(c) Is not intended to refer to or be applicable to an event, affair, or occasion held in the privacy of a person's home.
Applicants—Retail liquor licensees ineligible—Exceptions.
(1) Any person 21 years of age or older, either for themselves or in a representative capacity on behalf of a society, organization, or business entity, may apply for a banquet permit which authorizes the service and consumption of liquor at a specific place upon a specific date.
(2) Retail liquor licensees are not eligible to apply for banquet permits for events to be held at, in, or upon such licensee's premises: Provided, however, that the licensee's ineligibility will not apply:
(a) When the application is by an established organization of members or auxiliary within a licensed club;
(b) Where grand openings, or special openings following new construction or substantial alterations, or when conventions are to be held on the licensed premises;
(c) Where special occasions such as employee Christmas parties, business anniversaries, etc., are held on the licensed premises;
(d) For functions held at locations other than the licensed premises.
(3) Banquet permits may be issued to qualified applicants for private functions on a chartered bus, chartered boat, chartered plane, or a chartered passenger car on a train.
(4) A banquet permit is not required for:
(a) Spirit, beer and wine sampling conducted in accordance with RCW 66.28.040 as implemented by chapter 314-64 WAC.
(b) Beer or wine provided by a brewery, winery, or distributor as part of a course of instruction for liquor licensees and/or their employees pursuant to RCW 66.28.150.
(5) The board interprets and will apply the relevant portions of the Liquor Act (RCW 66.20.010, 66.04.010(23), 66.04.010(26), 66.24.480, 66.24.481, and 66.44.100), reading them in pari materia, as not requiring a banquet permit to be obtained by an individual for a function when that individual is not acting with a business purpose or on behalf of an organization or business entity, where each of the following conditions are met:
(a) The function to be held by the individual is of a personal, noncommercial type which would normally be held in the individual's private home but for space considerations. Examples being a birthday party, wedding reception, bar mitzvah, etc. In lieu of holding the function in their home, the individual has arranged for use of a facility which is to be closed off from the public during the function and which is not on any licensed premises.
(b) The function is hosted by the individual personally. That is, there is no charge in any manner whatsoever for attendance, whether by admission charge, donation, dues, fees, or otherwise, and there is no charge in any manner whatsoever for anything provided at the function (i.e., mixer, setups, ice, food, hors d'oeuvres, etc.).
(c) That there is no business purpose for the function and that no pecuniary gain is intended or realized by the individual from the holding of the function.
(d) That those persons attending the function are the personal invitees of the individual holding it.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 66.08.030. WSR 24-23-002, s 314-18-030, filed 11/6/24, effective 12/7/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 66.08.030, 15.88.030, 19.126.020, 66.04.010, 66.08.180, 66.16.100, 66.20.010, 66.20.300, 66.20.310, 66.24.150, 66.24.170, 66.24.185, 66.24.200, 66.24.206, 66.24.210, 66.24.230, 66.24.240, 66.24.244, 66.24.250, 66.24.375, 66.24.380, 66.24.395, 66.24.400, 66.24.420, 66.24.425, 66.24.440, 66.24.450, 66.24.455, 66.24.495, 66.24.540, 66.28.010, 66.28.040, 66.28.050, 66.28.170, 66.28.180, 66.28.190, 66.28.200, 66.28.310, 66.44.190, 66.44.310, 66.98.060 and 82.08.150. WSR 98-18-097, § 314-18-030, filed 9/2/98, effective 10/3/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 66.08.030. WSR 88-22-026 (Order 268, Resolution No. 277), § 314-18-030, filed 10/25/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 66.08.030 and 66.98.070. WSR 82-16-100 (Orders 110 and 112, Resolution Nos. 119 and 121), § 314-18-030, filed 8/4/82.]
Issuance fee—Restrictions.
(1) Banquet permits may be issued by the board's stores and agencies to qualified applicants on forms provided by the board; the fee for each banquet permit will be $10.
(2) Except for outdoor areas, banquet permits will only be issued for use at premises that are or can be arranged so that the general public can be excluded therefrom.
(3) Where the application is for a banquet to be held either partially or wholly out-of-doors, the following restrictions will apply:
(a) State parks: State parks are exempt from the law requiring a license or permit to consume liquor in a public place (RCW 66.04.011). Banquet permits shall not be issued for the service and consumption of liquor in state parks.
(b) City and county parks: Applicants will be issued banquet permits only upon presentation of written approval from the appropriate local authority for the banquet applied for.
(c) Commercial parks (privately owned and operated): Store and agency managers may issue banquet permits for use in such commercial parks even though the event is to be held partly or wholly out-of-doors.
(d) All other outdoor areas: Issuance is conditioned upon approval of the area liquor enforcement officer.
(4) Where the application is for a banquet permit for an event to be held on a college or university campus or upon the premises of an elementary or high school, public or private; permits will be issued provided that approval, in writing, by an appropriate official of the college, university, elementary, or high school is furnished with the application.
(5) When the application is for a banquet permit for an event to be held in or at a state armory used for military purposes, permits will be issued provided that approval, in writing, by the adjutant general or their designee is furnished by the applicant to the board and to the chief of police of the incorporated city or town in which the armory is located or to the county sheriff if the armory is located outside the boundaries of incorporated cities or towns.
(6) Banquet permits will not be issued for use at premises that have a license issued by the board that is or will be suspended on the date of the scheduled banquet.
(7) The event for which the banquet permit application is made cannot be open to the public through general admission ticket sales.
(8) The event for which the banquet permit application is made cannot be open to the public or advertised to the public.
(9) Approval of the area enforcement officer is required for banquet permits intended for use in the cocktail lounge facilities or tap rooms of hotels, restaurants, and clubs, unless the entire premises under the control of the licensee is devoted to the banquet, and then only if all licensee liquor is removed from view and securely isolated.
(10) Where the application is for a banquet permit for an event to be held on a vessel under the jurisdiction of the Washington state ferry system; permits will be issued provided that approval, in writing, by an appropriate official of the Washington state ferry system is furnished with the application.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 66.08.030. WSR 24-23-002, s 314-18-040, filed 11/6/24, effective 12/7/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 66.08.030, 15.88.030, 19.126.020, 66.04.010, 66.08.180, 66.16.100, 66.20.010, 66.20.300, 66.20.310, 66.24.150, 66.24.170, 66.24.185, 66.24.200, 66.24.206, 66.24.210, 66.24.230, 66.24.240, 66.24.244, 66.24.250, 66.24.375, 66.24.380, 66.24.395, 66.24.400, 66.24.420, 66.24.425, 66.24.440, 66.24.450, 66.24.455, 66.24.495, 66.24.540, 66.28.010, 66.28.040, 66.28.050, 66.28.170, 66.28.180, 66.28.190, 66.28.200, 66.28.310, 66.44.190, 66.44.310, 66.98.060 and 82.08.150. WSR 98-18-097, § 314-18-040, filed 9/2/98, effective 10/3/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 66.08.030. WSR 86-09-075 (Order 183, Resolution No. 192), § 314-18-040, filed 4/22/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 66.08.030 and 66.98.070. WSR 85-06-021 (Order 153, Resolution No. 162), § 314-18-040, filed 2/27/85; WSR 84-09-025 (Order 140, Resolution No. 149), § 314-18-040, filed 4/11/84; WSR 82-16-100 (Orders 110 and 112, Resolution Nos. 119 and 121), § 314-18-040, filed 8/4/82.]
Sale of liquor—Not authorized.
(1) A banquet permit does not authorize the sale of liquor for cash, credit, check, scrip, or in any manner whatever: Provided, however, That the cost of the occasion to those attending, if any, may be included in the total price for the banquet, in which event, to assure participants receiving an equal share, an allocation based upon a distribution of tickets exchangeable for drinks as a part of the package price is permissible.
(2) The prohibition provided for in subsection (1) of this section extends to the sale of mixers, ice, or "set-ups" if the prices charged therefor are unrelated to the cost of such goods and/or services and approximate what the charge for a drink containing liquor would be.
(3) Liquor cannot be raffled off or offered as a prize at an event for which a banquet permit has been issued. (Such disposition would constitute a "sale" of liquor as that term is defined in RCW 66.04.010(27).)
Liquor to be served and consumed—Restrictions.
(1) Spirit, beer and wine restaurant discount liquor cannot be sold, served, or consumed under or by authority of a banquet permit. Liquor to be served will be purchased from an authorized retail source only.
(2) Licensees and/or commercial caterers shall not pay for or advance the moneys to purchase the liquor for the event for which the banquet permit application has been made, but they may transport the prepaid liquor purchased by the applicant to whom the banquet permit was issued.
(3) No banquet permittee may buy or accept delivery of liquor from any manufacturer, brewer, distributor, distiller, winery, importer, or agent thereof.
(4) It is not necessary for a banquet permit applicant to purchase liquor at the time the permit is issued, and individuals attending a banquet function may bring their own liquor.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 66.08.030, 15.88.030, 19.126.020, 66.04.010, 66.08.180, 66.16.100, 66.20.010, 66.20.300, 66.20.310, 66.24.150, 66.24.170, 66.24.185, 66.24.200, 66.24.206, 66.24.210, 66.24.230, 66.24.240, 66.24.244, 66.24.250, 66.24.375, 66.24.380, 66.24.395, 66.24.400, 66.24.420, 66.24.425, 66.24.440, 66.24.450, 66.24.455, 66.24.495, 66.24.540, 66.28.010, 66.28.040, 66.28.050, 66.28.170, 66.28.180, 66.28.190, 66.28.200, 66.28.310, 66.44.190, 66.44.310, 66.98.060 and 82.08.150. WSR 98-18-097, § 314-18-060, filed 9/2/98, effective 10/3/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 66.08.030. WSR 92-01-080, § 314-18-060, filed 12/16/91, effective 1/16/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 66.08.030 and 66.98.070. WSR 82-16-100 (Orders 110 and 112, Resolution Nos. 119 and 121), § 314-18-060, filed 8/4/82.]
Responsibilities of permittee.
(1) No banquet permittee, or employee thereof, may knowingly permit the service to or consumption of liquor by any person under the age of twenty-one years who is present at the event for which a banquet permit has been issued.
(2) No banquet permittee, or employee thereof, may knowingly permit any disorderly conduct to occur or serve or permit the consumption of liquor by an apparently intoxicated person(s) on the premises for which a banquet permit has been issued.
(3) The banquet permit shall be posted in a conspicuous place at the premises for which the permit was issued during all times the permit is in use.
Hours of operation—Inspection of premises.
(1) Banquet permits may be issued for any day and may authorize the service and consumption of liquor between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m. of the following day.
(2) Any premises where a banquet permit has been granted shall be open to inspection by any peace officer or enforcement officer of the board to the same extent as provided for in WAC 314-12-120.
Misrepresentation on application—Consequences.
A misrepresentation of fact found to have been made by an applicant for any banquet permit shall be deemed a lack of good faith and shall constitute good and sufficient cause for the disapproval of such application or for the cancellation of said permit if the event for which the permit has been granted has not yet been held, or for the immediate termination of the permit if the event for which the permit has been issued is in progress.
In addition to the general penalties provided by law (RCW 66.44.175 and 66.44.180) for the violation of board regulations, the board, upon a finding that a banquet permittee has violated any of the regulations of this chapter, may, in its discretion:
(1) Cancel or terminate the permit.
(2) Hold the applicant and/or the premises for which the banquet permit was issued ineligible for future banquet permits.