Chapter 220-415 WAC
WAC Sections
HTMLPDF | 220-415-010 | Deer area descriptions. |
HTMLPDF | 220-415-020 | 2024-2026 Deer general seasons and definitions. |
HTMLPDF | 220-415-030 | 2024 Deer special permits. |
HTMLPDF | 220-415-040 | Elk area descriptions. |
HTMLPDF | 220-415-050 | 2024-2026 Elk general seasons and definitions. |
HTMLPDF | 220-415-060 | 2024 Elk special permits. |
HTMLPDF | 220-415-070 | 2024 Moose seasons, permit quotas, and areas. |
HTMLPDF | 220-415-080 | 2021 Spring black bear special permits. |
HTMLPDF | 220-415-090 | Fall black bear hunting seasons and regulations. |
HTMLPDF | 220-415-100 | Cougar hunting seasons and regulations. |
HTMLPDF | 220-415-110 | Bighorn sheep—Marking requirements. |
HTMLPDF | 220-415-120 | 2024 Bighorn sheep seasons, permit quotas, and areas. |
HTMLPDF | 220-415-130 | 2024 Mountain goat seasons, permit quotas, and areas. |
Deer area descriptions.
The following areas are defined as deer areas:
Deer Area No. 1008 West Wenaha (Columbia County): That part of GMU 169 west of USFS trail 3112 from Tepee Camp (east fork of Butte Creek) to Butte Creek, and west of Butte Creek to the Washington-Oregon state line.
Deer Area No. 1009 East Wenaha (Columbia, Garfield, Asotin counties): That portion of GMU 169 east of USFS trail 3112 from Tepee Camp (east fork Butte Creek) to Butte Creek, and east of Butte Creek to the Washington-Oregon state line.
Deer Area No. 1010 (Columbia County): GMU 162 excluding National Forest land and the Rainwater Wildlife Area.
Deer Area No. 1031 Parker Lake (Pend Oreille County): That area within GMU 117 south of Ruby Creek Rd (USFS Road 2489), north of Tacoma Creek Rd (USFS Road 2389), and west of Bonneville Power Administration power lines. The Parker Lake Deer Area is a protected area for the U.S. Air Force Military Survival Training Program that allows some limited access for special permit hunting.
Deer Area No. 1035 Highway 395 Corridor (Stevens County): That portion of GMU 121 beginning at the intersection of US Highway (Hwy) 395 (State Route 20) and State Route (SR) 25: S on SR 25 to Old Kettle Rd; E on Old Kettle Rd to Mingo Mountain Rd; S on Mingo Mountain Rd to Greenwood Loop Rd; E on Greenwood Loop Rd to the bridge over the Colville River; S on the Colville River to the bridge over Gold Creek Loop/Valley Westside Rd; W and S on Valley Westside Rd to the Orin-Rice Rd; E on Orin-Rice Rd to Haller Creek Rd; S on Haller Creek Rd to Skidmore Rd; E and S on Skidmore Rd to Arden Hill Rd; E on Arden Hill Rd to Townsend-Sackman Rd; S on Townsend-Sackman Rd to Twelve Mile Rd; S on Twelve Mile Rd to Marble Valley Basin Rd; S on Marble Valley Basin Rd to Zimmer Rd; S on Zimmer Rd to Blue Creek West Rd; E on Blue Creek West Rd to Dry Creek Rd; S on Dry Creek Rd to Duncan Rd; E on Duncan Rd to Tetro Rd; S on Tetro Rd to Heine Rd; E and S on Heine Rd to Farm-to-Market Rd; S on Farm-to-Market Rd to Newton Rd (also known as Rickers Lane); E on Newton Rd to US Hwy 395; N on US Hwy 395 to McLean Rd and Twelve Mile Rd (also known as Old Arden Hwy); N on McLean Rd and Twelve Mile Rd to US Hwy 395; N on US Hwy 395 to Old Arden Hwy (again); N on Old Arden Hwy to US Hwy 395; N on US Hwy 395, through the town of Colville, then W on US Hwy 395 (SR 20) to SR 25 and the point of beginning.
Deer Area No. 2010 Benge (Adams and Whitman counties): That part of GMU 284 beginning at the town of Washtucna; north on SR 261 to Weber Road; east on Weber Road to Benzel Road; north on Benzel Road to Wellsandt Road; east on Wellsandt Road to Hills Road; south on Hills Road to Urquhart Road; east on Urquhart Road to Harder Road, East on Harder Road to McCall Road; east on McCall Road to Gering Road; east on Gering Road to Lakin Road; east on Lakin Road to Revere Road; south on Revere Road to George Knott Road; south on George Knott Road to Rock Creek; south along Rock Creek to the Palouse River; south and west along the Palouse River to SR 26; west on SR 26 to Washtucna and the point of beginning.
Deer Area No. 2011 Lakeview (Grant County): That part of GMU 272 beginning at the junction of SR 28 and First Avenue in Ephrata; west on First Avenue to Sagebrush Flats Road; west on Sagebrush Flats Road to Norton Canyon Road; north on Norton Canyon Road to E Road NW; north on E Road NW to the Grant-Douglas county line; east along the county line to the point where the county line turns north; from this point continue due east to SR 17; south on SR 17 to SR 28 at Soap Lake; south on SR 28 to the junction with First Avenue in Ephrata and the point of beginning.
Deer Area No. 2012 Methow Valley (Okanogan County): All private land in the Methow Watershed located outside the external boundary of the Okanogan National Forest and north of the following boundary: Starting where the Libby Creek Road (County road 1049) intersects the Okanogan National Forest boundary; east on road 1049 to State Hwy 153; north on Hwy 153 to the Old Carlton Road; east on the Old Carlton Road to the Texas Creek Road (County road 1543); east on the Texas Creek Road to the Vintin Road (County road 1552); northeast on the Vintin Road to the Okanogan National Forest boundary.
Deer Area No. 2013 North Okanogan (Okanogan County): Restricted to private land only located within the following boundary: Beginning in Tonasket at the junction of Havillah Rd and Hwy 97; NE on Havillah Rd to Dry Gulch Extension Rd; N to Dry Gulch Rd; N on Dry Gulch Rd to Oroville-Chesaw Rd; W on Oroville-Chesaw Rd to Molson Rd; N on Molson Rd to Nine Mile Rd; N and W on Nine Mile Rd to the Canadian border at the old Sidley Town Site; W along the border to the east shore of Lake Osoyoos; S around Lake Osoyoos to the Okanogan River; S along the east bank of the Okanogan River to the Tonasket Fourth Street Bridge; E on Fourth Street to Hwy 97; N on Hwy 97 to point of beginning.
Deer Area No. 2014 Central Okanogan (Okanogan County): Restricted to private land only located within the following boundary: Beginning in Tonasket on the Okanogan River at the Fourth Street Bridge; S along Hwy 7 to Pine Creek Rd; W along Pine Creek Rd to Horse Spring Coulee Rd; W and N on Horse Spring Coulee Rd to Beeman Rd; W on Beeman Rd to North Lemanasky Rd; S along North Lemanasky Rd to Pine Creek Rd; S on Pine Creek Rd to Hagood Cut-off Rd; S on Hagood Cut-off Rd to South Pine Creek Rd; E on South Pine Creek Rd to Hwy 97; S on Hwy 97 to Town of Riverside North Main Street junction; SE on North Main Street to Tunk Valley Rd and the Okanogan River Bridge; E on Tunk Creek Rd to Chewiliken Valley Rd; NE along Chewiliken Valley Rd to Talkire Lake Rd; N on Talkire Lake Rd to Hwy 20; W on Hwy 20 to the junction of Hwy 20 and Hwy 97; N on Hwy 97 to Fourth Street; W on Fourth Street to point of beginning.
Deer Area No. 2015 Omak (Okanogan County): Restricted to private land only located within the following boundary: Beginning at Hwy 97 and Riverside Cut-off road; west on Riverside Cut-off Rd to Conconully Road; south on Conconully Rd to Danker Cut-off road; west on Danker Cut-off road to Salmon Creek Rd; north on Salmon Creek Rd to Spring Coulee Rd; south on Spring Coulee Rd to B&O Road North Rd; southwest on B&O North Rd to Hwy 20; east on Hwy 20 to B&O Rd; south on B&O Rd to the Town of Malott and the bridge over the Okanogan River; north along the west bank of the Okanogan River to the Town of Riverside and the Tunk Valley road bridge; west on Tunk Valley road to State Street in Riverside; south on State Street to 2nd Street; west on 2nd Street to Hwy 97 and the point of beginning.
Deer Area No. 2016 Conconully (Okanogan County): Restricted to private land only located within the following boundary: Beginning at the Conconully town limit at the south edge of Town and the east shore of Conconully Reservoir; south along the east shore of the reservoir to Salmon Creek; south along the east bank of Salmon Creek to Salmon Creek road at the old Ruby Town site; south on Salmon Creek road to Green Lake road; northeast on Green Lake road to Conconully road; north on Conconully road to the south limit of the Town of Conconully and the point of beginning.
Deer Area No. 2017 Lake Chelan North (Chelan County): Restricted to private land only located within the following boundary: Beginning at the confluence of Purtteman Creek (Purtteman Gulch) and Lake Chelan; NE along Purtteman Creek to Boyd Road; E on Boyd Road to Purtteman Creek Road; N on Purtteman Creek Road to the USFS boundary; W along the USFS boundary to Canyon Ranch Road (Joe Creek); SE on Canyon Ranch Road to Grade Creek Road; SE on Grade Creek Road to Lower Joe Creek Road; SE on Lower Joe Creek Road to Emerson Acres Road; west on Emerson Acres Road to Lake Chelan; S along the north shore of Lake Chelan to the point of beginning.
Deer Area No. 3071 Whitcomb (Benton County): That part of GMU 373 made up by the Whitcomb Unit of the Umatilla National Wildlife Refuge.
Deer Area No. 3072 Paterson (Benton County): That part of GMU 373 made up by the Paterson Unit of the Umatilla National Wildlife Refuge.
Deer Area No. 3088 High Prairie (Klickitat County): That portion of GMU 388 (Grayback) that is south of SR 142.
Deer Area No. 3334 Ellensburg (Kittitas County): Beginning at the confluence of the Yakima River and Wilson Creek, north up Wilson Creek to the John Wayne Pioneer Trail, west and north on the John Wayne Pioneer Trail to State Hwy 10, north and west on State Hwy 10 to the Thorp Highway, south and east on the Thorp Highway to the Yakima River (Thorp Highway Bridge), south and upstream on the Yakima River to the confluence of Taneum Creek and the Yakima River, south and west up Taneum Creek to the South Branch Canal, south and east on the South Branch Canal and South Branch Extension Canal to Umtanum Road, north on Umtanum Road to Lower Riverbottom Road, east and south on Lower Riverbottom Road to the Fogarty Ditch, south and east on the Fogarty Ditch to the Yakima River, south and east along the Yakima River to Wilson Creek and the point of beginning.
Deer Area No. 3372 Sunnyside (Yakima County): Beginning in Union Gap where I-82 crosses the Yakima River, follow I-82 east to the Yakima River Bridge in Prosser. Upstream on the Yakima River to the point of beginning. The islands in the Yakima River are on the Yakama Indian Reservation and are not part of the deer area.
Deer Area No. 3682 Ahtanum (Yakima County): That part of GMU 368 beginning at the power line crossing on Ahtanum Creek in T12N, R16E, Section 15; west up Ahtanum Creek to South Fork Ahtanum Creek; southwest up South Fork Ahtanum Creek to its junction with Reservation Creek; southwest up Reservation Creek and the Yakama Indian Reservation boundary to the main divide between the Diamond Fork drainage and Ahtanum Creek drainage; north along the crest of the main divide between the Diamond Fork drainage and the Ahtanum Creek drainage to Darland Mountain; northeast on US Forest Service Trail 615 to US Forest Service Road 1020; northeast on US Forest Service Road 1020 to US Forest Service Road 613; northeast on US Forest Service Road 613 to US Forest Service Trail 1127; northeast on US Forest Service Trail 1127 to US Forest Service Road 1302 (Jump Off Road), southeast of the Jump Off Lookout Station; northeast on US Forest Service Road 1302 (Jump Off Road) to Hwy 12. Northeast on Hwy 12 to the Naches River. Southeast down the Naches River to Cowiche Creek. West up Cowiche Creek and the South Fork Cowiche Creek to Summitview Ave. Northwest on Summitview Ave to Cowiche Mill Road. West on Cowiche Mill Road to the power line in the northeast corner of T13N, R15E, SEC 13. Southeast along the power line to Ahtanum Creek and the point of beginning.
Deer Area No. 4541 North Issaquah (King and Snohomish counties): That portion of GMU 454 beginning at the mouth of the Snohomish River at the city of Everett; SE up the Snohomish River to the Snoqualmie River; SE up the Snoqualmie River to NE Woodinville-Duvall Rd; E on NE Woodinville-Duvall Rd State Route (SR) 203 at the town of Duvall; S on SR 203 to SR 202 (Fall City-Snoqualmie Rd) at the town of Fall City; S on SR 202 (Fall City-Snoqualmie Rd), across the Snoqualmie River, to Preston-Fall City Rd; SW on Preston-Fall City Rd to SE 82nd St at the town of Preston; E on SE 82nd St to Interstate Hwy (I)-90; E on I-90 to SR 18; S and W on SR 18 to SR 99; N on SR 99 to SR 509; W on SR 509 to Redondo Way South; NW on Redondo Way South to the town of Redondo on Puget Sound; SW across East Passage to the Pierce-King county line at the point where the county line turns southeast, northwest of Dash Point; W and N along the King County line excluding Vashon-Maury Island; to the King, Snohomish, and Kitsap counties line junction in the Puget Sound West of Point Wells; N on the Snohomish County line through Possession Sound to a point on the Snohomish County line due West of the northern tip of Gedney Island (Hat Island); E to the northern tip of Gedney Island; E from the northern tip of Gedney Island to the mouth of the Snohomish River and the point of beginning.
Deer Area No. 5064: That part of GMU 564 in the Columbia River near the mouth of the Cowlitz River made up of Cottonwood Island and Howard Island.
Deer Area No. 6020 (Clallam and Jefferson counties): Dungeness-Miller Peninsula: That part of GMU 624 west of Discovery Bay and Salmon Creek.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.04.012, 77.04.020, 77.04.055, 77.08.030, 77.08.045, 77.12.047, 77.12.722, 77.12.800, 77.15.190, 77.32.320, 77.32.530, and 77.32.535. WSR 24-11-029 (Order 23-18), § 220-415-010, filed 5/7/24, effective 6/7/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.04.012, 77.04.055, 77.12.047, and 77.12.240. WSR 21-14-022 (Order 21-61), § 220-415-010, filed 6/28/21, effective 7/29/21. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.04.012, 77.04.013, 77.04.020, 77.04.055, 77.12.020, 77.12.040, 77.12.047, 77.12.150, 77.12.210, 77.12.240, 77.12.320, 77.12.570, 77.12.800, 77.15.245, 77.32.007, 77.32.050, 77.32.070, 77.32.090, 77.32.370, and 77.32.530. WSR 18-11-061 (Order 18-76), § 220-415-010, filed 5/11/18, effective 6/11/18. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.04.012, 77.04.020, 77.04.055, 77.12.047, 77.12.150, 77.12.240, 77.12.800, 77.32.090. WSR 17-10-076 (Order 17-10), amended and recodified as § 220-415-010, filed 5/3/17, effective 6/3/17. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.04.012, 77.04.020, 77.04.055, 77.12.047, 77.12.150, 77.12.240, 77.12.800, 77.32.090, and 77.32.155. WSR 16-12-087, § 232-28-624, filed 5/31/16, effective 7/1/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.04.012, 77.04.055, 77.12.047, 77.12.150, and 77.12.240. WSR 15-10-059 (Order 15-98), § 232-28-624, filed 4/30/15, effective 5/31/15. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.240, and 77.32.070. WSR 14-10-019 (Order 14-95), § 232-28-624, filed 4/25/14, effective 5/26/14; WSR 13-11-078 (Order 13-94), § 232-28-624, filed 5/16/13, effective 6/16/13.]
2024-2026 Deer general seasons and definitions.
It is unlawful to fail to comply with the bag, possession, and season limits described below. Violations of this section are punishable under RCW 77.15.410 Unlawful hunting of big game—Penalty.
Bag Limit: One (1) deer per hunter during the license year except where otherwise permitted by department rule.
Hunting Method: Hunters must select one of the hunting methods: Modern firearm, archery, or muzzleloader.
Any Buck Deer Seasons: Open only to the taking of deer with visible antlers (buck fawns illegal).
Antler Point: To qualify as an antler point, the point must be at least one inch long, measured on the longest side.
Antler Restrictions:APPLIES TO ALL HUNTERS DURING ANY GENERAL SEASON AND DESIGNATED SPECIAL PERMIT SEASONS. Buck deer taken in antler restricted game management units (GMUs) must meet minimum antler point requirements. Minimum antler point requirements are antler points on one side only. Eye guards are antler points when they are at least one inch long.
3-point Minimum GMUs: All mule deer in 100, 200, and 300 series GMUs; white-tailed deer in GMUs 127, 130, 133, 136, 139, 142, 145, 149, 154, 162, 163, 166, 169, 172, 175, 178, 181, 186, and black-tailed deer in GMU 578.
Permit-only Units: The following GMUs require a special permit to hunt deer: 290 (Desert), 329 (Quilomene), 371 (Alkali), and 485 (Green River).
GMUs Closed to Deer Hunting: 157 (Mill Creek Watershed), 490 (Cedar River) and 522 (Loo-wit).
Types of deer that a person may legally hunt in Washington:
Black-tailed Deer: Any member of black-tailed/mule deer (species Odocoileus hemionus) found west of a line drawn from the Canadian border south on the Pacific Crest Trail and along the Yakama Indian Reservation boundary in Yakima County to the Klickitat River; south down Klickitat River to the Columbia River.
Mule Deer: Any member of black-tailed/mule deer (species Odocoileus hemionus) found east of a line drawn from the Canadian border south on the Pacific Crest Trail and along the Yakama Indian Reservation boundary in Yakima County to the Klickitat River; south down Klickitat River to the Columbia River.
White-tailed Deer: Any white-tailed deer (member of the species Odocoileus virginianus), except the Columbian whitetail deer (species Odocoileus virginianus leucurus).
License Required: A valid big game hunting license, which includes a deer species option.
Tag Required: A valid modern firearm deer tag for the area hunted.
Hunting Method: Modern firearm deer tag hunters may use rifle, handgun, shotgun, bow, crossbow, or muzzleloader, but only during modern firearm seasons.
Hunt Season | 2024 Dates | 2025 Dates | 2026 Dates | Game Management Units (GMUs) | Legal Deer |
 | Sept. 15-25 | Sept. 15-25 | Sept. 15-25 | Alpine Lakes, Mount Baker, Glacier Peak, Pasayten, Olympic Peninsula, and Henry Jackson Wilderness Areas and Lake Chelan Recreation Area | 3 pt. min. |
Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer | Oct. 12-25 | Oct. 11-24 | Oct. 17-30 | 101, 105, 108, 111, 113, 117, 121, 124 | Any buck |
 | Oct. 12-22 | Oct. 11-21 | Oct. 17-27 | 203 through 284 | Any buck |
 | Oct. 12-22 | Oct. 11-21 | Oct. 17-27 | 127 through 154, 162 through 186 | 3 pt. min. |
 | Oct. 12-22 | Oct. 11-21 | Oct. 17-27 | 373, 379, 381 | Any deer |
Eastern Washington Mule Deer | Oct. 12-22 | Oct. 11-21 | Oct. 17-27 | 101 through 154, 162 through 186, 203 through 284, 328, 330 through 368, 372, 373, 379, 381, 382, 388 | 3 pt. min. |
Western Washington Black-tailed Deer | Oct. 12-31 | Oct. 11-31 | Oct. 17 - Nov. 1 | 407, 418, 426, 437, 448, 450, 454, 460, 466, 501 through 520, 524 through 556, 560, 568, 572, 574, 601 through 621, 624 (except Deer Area 6020), 627 through 654, 658 through 699 | Any buck |
 |  |  |  | 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 564, 655, Deer Area 6020 | Any deer |
 | Oct. 12-31 | Oct. 11-31 | Oct. 17 - Nov. 1 | 578 | 3 pt. min |
Western Washington Black-tailed Deer | Nov. 14-17 | Nov. 13-16 | Nov. 19-22 | 407, 454, 466, 501 through 520, 524 through 560, 568, 572, 601 through 621, 624 (except Deer Area 6020), 627 through 654, 658 through 699 | Any buck |
 | Nov. 14-17 | Nov. 13-16 | Nov. 19-22 | 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 564, 655, Deer Area 6020 | Any deer |
Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer | Nov. 9-19 | Nov. 8-19 | Nov. 7-19 | 105, 108, 111, 113, 117, 121, 124 | Any buck |
Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer | Oct. 19-25 | Oct. 25-31 | Oct. 24-30 | 124 | Any deer |
Oct. 19-22 | Oct. 25-28 | Oct. 24-27 | 127 through 142 | 3 pt. min. or antlerless |
License Required: A valid big game hunting license, which includes a deer species option.
Tag Required: A valid archery deer tag for the area hunted.
Special Notes: Archery tag holders can only hunt during archery seasons with archery equipment (WAC 220-414-070).
Hunt Area | 2024 Dates | 2025 Dates | 2026 Dates | Game Management Units (GMUs) | Legal Deer |
Western Washington Black-tailed Deer | Sept. 1-27 | Sept. 1-26 | Sept. 1-25 | 407 through 426, 437, 448, 450, 454, 466, 501, 504, 505, 554, 564, 568, 621 through 636, 648 through 652, 654 through 673, 684 | Any deer |
 |  |  |  | 460, 503, 574, 601 through 618, 638, 642, 653, 681 and 699 | Any buck |
 |  |  |  | 578 | 3 pt. min. |
 | Sept. 1-22 | Sept. 1-21 | Sept. 1-20 | 510, 513, 516, 520, 524, 530, 556 | Any deer |
 |  |  |  | 506, 550, 560, 572 | Any buck |
Eastern Washington Mule Deer | Sept. 1-27 | Sept. 1-26 | Sept. 1-25 | 101 through 136, 145, 149, 166 through 175, 186, 204 through 250, 254 through 278, 334, 382, 388 | 3 pt. min. |
 |  |  |  | 139, 142, 284, 372, 373, 379, 381, Deer Area 3334 | 3 pt. min. or antlerless |
 | Sept. 1-22 | Sept. 1-21 | Sept. 1-20 | 154, 162, 163, 178, 181, 251, 328, 335, 336, 340, 346, 352, 356, 360, 364, 368 | 3 pt. min. |
Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer | Sept. 1-27 | Sept. 1-26 | Sept. 1-25 | 101 through 124 | Any buck |
 | Sept. 1-27 | Sept. 1-26 | Sept. 1-25 | 204 through 250, 254 through 284, 373, 379, 381 | Any deer |
 | Sept. 1-27 | Sept. 1-26 | Sept. 1-25 |  |  |
 | Sept. 1-27 | Sept. 1-26 | Sept. 1-25 | 127 through 142, 145, 149,166, 169, 172, 175, 186 | 3 pt. min. |
 | Sept. 1-22 | Sept. 1-22 | Sept. 1-22 | 154, 162, 163, 178, 181 | 3 pt. min. |
Western Washington Black-tailed Deer | Nov. 27 - Dec. 15 | Nov. 26 - Dec. 15 | Nov. 25 - Dec. 15 | 437, 466, 510 through 520, 524 | Any deer |
 | Nov. 27 - Dec. 15 | Nov. 26 - Dec. 15 | Nov. 25 - Dec. 15 | 448, 460, 506, 530, 560, 572, 601, 603 through 618, 638, 642, 681, and 699 | Any buck |
 | Nov. 27 - Dec. 31 | Nov. 26 - Dec. 31 | Nov. 25 - Dec. 31 | 407, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 454, 505, 564, 624, 627, 636, 648, 652, 654, 655, 660 through 672 | Any deer |
Eastern Washington Mule Deer | Nov. 21-30 | Nov. 21-30 | Nov. 21-30 | 209, 215, 233, 243, 250 | 3 pt. min. |
 | Nov. 27 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 26 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 25 - Dec. 8 | 336, 342, 346, 352, 364, 388, Deer Area 3682 | 3 pt. min. |
 | Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 | 145, 163, 178, 272, 278 | 3 pt. min. |
 | Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 | 373, Deer Area 3372 | 3 pt. min. or antlerless |
 | Dec. 1-8 | Dec. 1-8 | Dec. 1-8 | GMU 382 | 3 pt. min. |
Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer | Nov. 10 - Dec. 15 | Nov. 10 - Dec. 15 | Nov. 10 - Dec. 15 | 101 | Any buck |
 | Nov. 25 - Dec. 15 | Nov. 25 - Dec. 15 | Nov. 25 - Dec. 15 | 105, 108, 117, 121, 124 | Any buck |
 | Nov. 25 - Dec. 15 | Nov. 25 - Dec. 15 | Nov. 25 - Dec. 15 | 127 | 3 pt. min. |
 | Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 | 145, 163, 178, 272, 278 | 3 pt. min. |
 | Nov. 27 - Dec. 15 | Nov. 26 - Dec. 15 | Nov. 25 - Dec. 15 | 204, 209, 215, 233, 243 | Any deer |
 | Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 | 373 | Any deer |
License Required: A valid big game hunting license, which includes a deer species option.
Tag Required: A valid muzzleloader deer tag for the area hunted.
Hunting Method: Muzzleloader as defined under WAC 220-414-060, crossbow equipment as defined under WAC 220-414-100, or archery equipment as defined under WAC 220-414-070.
Special Notes: Muzzleloader tag holders can only hunt during muzzleloader seasons.
Hunt Area | 2024 Dates | 2025 Dates | 2026 Dates | Game Management Units (GMUs) | Legal Deer |
High Buck Hunts | Sept. 15-25 | Sept. 15-25 | Sept. 15-25 | Alpine Lakes, Glacier Peak, Pasayten, Mount Baker, Olympic Peninsula, and Henry Jackson Wilderness areas, and Lake Chelan Recreation Area | 3 pt. min. |
Western Washington Black-tailed Deer | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Sept. 27 - Oct. 5 | Sept. 26 - Oct. 4 | 407, 418, 426, 437, 448, 450, 501, 503, 504, 505, 506, 510, 513, 516, 520, 530, 550, 554, 560, 568, 572, 574, 603, 607, 612, 615, 621, 624 (except Deer Area 6020), 633 through 651, 660, 663, 672, 673 | Any buck |
 |  |  |  | 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 454, 564, 627, 652, 655, 666, 684, and Deer Area 6020 | Any deer |
 |  |  |  | 578 | 3 pt. min. |
Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Sept. 27 - Oct. 5 | Sept. 26 - Oct. 4 | 101 through 124, 203, 204, 209, 215, 231, 233, 239, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 250, 251, 254, 260, 262, 266, 269, 272, 278, 284 | Any buck |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  | 127, 130, 133, 136, 139, 142, 145, 149, 175, 181, 186 | 3 pt. min. |
 |  |  |  | 373, 379 | Any deer |
Eastern Washington Mule Deer | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Sept. 27 - Oct. 5 | Sept. 26 - Oct. 4 | 101 through 149, 175, 181, 186, 203, 204, 209, 215, 231, 233, 239, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 248, 250, 251, 254, 260, 262, 266, 269, 272, 278, 284, 328, 330 through 342, 352 through 368, 373, 379 | 3 pt. min. |
Eastern Washington Mule Deer | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Sept. 27 - Oct. 5 | Sept. 26 - Oct. 4 | Deer Areas 3334 and 3372 | 3 pt. min. or antlerless |
Western Washington Black-tailed Deer | Nov. 27 - Dec. 15 | Nov. 26 - Dec. 15 | Nov. 25 - Dec. 15 | 407, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 454, 504, 564, 633, 654, 666, 667, and 684 | Any deer |
 |  |  |  | 448, 460, 501, 602, 621, 651, 658, and 673 | Any buck |
Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer | Nov. 27 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 26 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 25 - Dec. 8 | 113 | Any buck |
 | Nov. 25 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 25 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 25 - Dec. 8 | 130, 133, 136, 139, 142 | 3 pt. min. |
 | Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 | 172, 181 | 3 pt. min. |
 | Nov. 25 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 25 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 25 - Dec. 8 | 379, 381 | Any deer |
Eastern Washington Mule Deer | Nov. 25 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 25 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 25 - Dec. 8 | 379, 381 | 3 pt. min. |
Nov. 20-30 | Nov. 20-30 | Nov. 20-30 | 382 | 3 pt. min. |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.04.012, 77.04.020, 77.04.055, 77.08.030, 77.08.045, 77.12.047, 77.12.722, 77.12.800, 77.15.190, 77.32.320, 77.32.530, and 77.32.535. WSR 24-11-029 (Order 23-18), § 220-415-020, filed 5/7/24, effective 6/7/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.04.012, 77.04.055, and 77.12.047. WSR 22-15-096 (Order 22-71), § 220-415-020, filed 7/19/22, effective 8/19/22. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.04.012, 77.04.055, 77.12.047, and 77.12.240. WSR 21-14-022 (Order 21-61), § 220-415-020, filed 6/28/21, effective 7/29/21; WSR 20-12-080 (Order 20-76), § 220-415-020, filed 6/1/20, effective 7/2/20. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.04.090, 77.04.130, 77.15.568, 77.08.010, 77.65.510, 77.65.515, and 77.65.520. WSR 19-10-011 (Order 19-79), § 220-415-020, filed 4/19/19, effective 5/20/19. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.04.012, 77.04.013, 77.04.020, 77.04.055, 77.12.020, 77.12.040, 77.12.047, 77.12.150, 77.12.210, 77.12.240, 77.12.320, 77.12.570, 77.12.800, 77.15.245, 77.32.007, 77.32.050, 77.32.070, 77.32.090, 77.32.370, and 77.32.530. WSR 18-11-061 (Order 18-76), § 220-415-020, filed 5/11/18, effective 6/11/18. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.04.012, 77.04.020, 77.04.055, 77.12.047, 77.12.150, 77.12.240, 77.12.800, 77.32.090. WSR 17-10-076 (Order 17-10), amended and recodified as § 220-415-020, filed 5/3/17, effective 6/3/17. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.04.012, 77.04.020, 77.04.055, 77.12.047, 77.12.150, 77.12.240, 77.12.800, 77.32.090, 77.32.155. WSR 16-15-045 (Order 16-182), § 232-28-357, filed 7/14/16, effective 8/14/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.04.012, 77.04.055, 77.12.047, 77.12.150, and 77.12.240. WSR 15-10-059 (Order 15-98), § 232-28-357, filed 4/30/15, effective 5/31/15. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.240, and 77.32.070. WSR 14-10-019 (Order 14-95), § 232-28-357, filed 4/25/14, effective 5/26/14; WSR 13-11-078 (Order 13-94), § 232-28-357, filed 5/16/13, effective 6/16/13. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. WSR 12-11-005 (Order 12-70), § 232-28-357, filed 5/2/12, effective 6/2/12.]
2024 Deer special permits.
It is unlawful to fail to comply with the bag, possession, and season limits described below. A violation of this section is punishable under RCW 77.15.410 Unlawful hunting of big game—Penalty.
Deer Special Permit Hunting Seasons (Open to Permit Holders Only)
Hunters must purchase a deer hunting license prior to purchasing a permit application. Hunters may only apply for permits consistent with the tag required for the hunt choice; however, Multiple Season Permit holders may apply for archery, muzzleloader, or modern firearm permit hunts. Hunters drawn for a special permit hunt must comply with weapon restrictions, dates, and other conditions listed for the hunt. Hunters drawn for a special permit designated "Any tag" under the "Weapon/Tag" restriction must use equipment consistent with the requirements of their transport tag and license.
Bag Limit: One (1) deer per hunter during the license year except where otherwise permitted by department rule, even if permits are drawn for more than one deer hunt category.
Quality | ||||||
Hunt Name | Weapon/Tag | Hunters | Hunt Dates | Special Restrictions | Boundary | Permits |
Kelly Hill White-tailed Buck | Modern | Any | Nov. 20-24 | White-tailed, Any buck | GMU 105 | 5 |
Kelly Hill Mule Deer Buck | Modern | Any | Nov. 3-24 | Mule deer, 3 pt. min. | GMU 105 | 1 |
Douglas White-tailed Buck | Modern | Any | Nov. 20-24 | White-tailed, Any buck | GMU 108 | 5 |
Douglas Mule Deer Buck | Modern | Any | Nov. 3-24 | Mule deer, 3 pt. min. | GMU 108 | 1 |
Aladdin White-tailed Buck | Modern | Any | Nov. 20-24 | White-tailed, Any buck | GMU 111 | 5 |
Aladdin Mule Deer Buck | Modern | Any | Nov. 3-24 | Mule deer, 3 pt. min. | GMU 111 | 1 |
Selkirk Mule Deer Buck | Modern | Any | Nov. 3-24 | Mule deer, 3 pt. min. | GMU 113 | 1 |
49 Degrees North White-tailed Buck | Modern | Any | Nov. 20-24 | White-tailed, Any buck | GMU 117 | 5 |
49 Degrees North Mule Deer Buck | Modern | Any | Nov. 3-24 | Mule deer, 3 pt. min. | GMU 117 | 1 |
Huckleberry White-tailed Buck | Modern | Any | Nov. 20-24 | White-tailed, Any buck | GMU 121 | 5 |
Huckleberry Mule Deer Buck | Modern | Any | Nov. 3-24 | Mule deer, 3 pt. min. | GMU 121 | 1 |
Mt. Spokane | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-24 | Any buck | GMU 124 | 5 |
Mica Peak | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-24 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 127 | 5 |
Cheney | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-24 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 130 | 5 |
Roosevelt | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-24 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 133 | 5 |
Harrington | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-24 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 136 | 5 |
Steptoe | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-24 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 139 | 5 |
Almota | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-24 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 142 | 5 |
Dayton | Modern | Any | Nov. 20-24 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 162 | 5 |
Tucannon | Modern | Any | Nov. 20-24 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 166 | 2 |
Wenaha West | Modern | Any | Nov. 9-15 | Mule deer, 3 pt. min. | Deer Area 1008 | 2 |
Wenaha East | Modern | Any | Nov. 9-15 | Mule deer, 3 pt. min. | Deer Area 1009 | 5 |
Grande Ronde | Modern | Any | Nov. 20-24 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 186 | 1 |
East Okanogan | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 204 | 10 |
Sinlahekin | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 215 | 10 |
Chewuch | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 218 | 15 |
Pearrygin | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 224 | 15 |
Gardner | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 231 | 10 |
Pogue | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 233 | 15 |
Alta | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 242 | 15 |
Manson | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 243 | 7 |
Chiwawa | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 245 | 18 |
Slide Ridge | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 246 | 9 |
Entiat | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 247 | 15 |
Swakane | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 250 | 9 |
Mission | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 251 | 7 |
Desert | Modern | Any | Oct. 19-27 | Any buck | GMU 290 | 24 |
Desert | Modern | Any | Nov. 2-10 | Any buck | GMU 290 | 5 |
Naneum | Modern | Any | Nov. 11-17 | Any buck | GMU 328 | 15 |
Quilomene | Modern | Any | Nov. 4-17 | Any buck | GMU 329 | 20 |
Teanaway | Modern | Any | Nov. 11-17 | Any buck | GMU 335 | 28 |
L.T. Murray | Modern | Any | Nov. 11-17 | Any buck | GMUs 336, 340 | 5 |
Bethel | Modern | Any | Nov. 4-17 | Any buck | GMU 360 | 5 |
Cowiche | Modern | Any | Nov. 4-17 | Any buck | GMU 368 | 10 |
Alkali | Modern | Any | Oct. 26 - Nov. 10 | Any buck | GMU 371 | 10 |
Grayback | Modern | Any | Nov. 4-24 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 388 | 20 |
Nooksack | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-12 | Any buck | GMU 418 | 25 |
Diablo | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-17 | Any buck | GMU 426 | 10 |
Sauk | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-12 | Any buck | GMU 437 | 25 |
Stillaguamish | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-17 | Any buck | GMU 448 | 12 |
Snoqualmie | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-15 | Any buck | GMU 460 | 10 |
Green River | Any tag | Any | Oct. 19-25 | Any buck | GMU 485 | 5 |
Lincoln | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 501 | 4 |
Mossyrock | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 505 | 2 |
Willapa Hills | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 506 | 4 |
Stormking | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 510 | 1 |
South Rainier | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 513 | 1 |
Packwood | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 516 | 1 |
Winston | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 520 | 4 |
Ryderwood | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 530 | 4 |
Coweeman | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 550 | 4 |
Toutle | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 556 | 1 |
Lewis River | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 560 | 1 |
Washougal | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 568 | 2 |
Siouxon | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 572 | 1 |
Wind River | Modern | Any | Nov. 14-21 | Any buck | GMU 574 | 20 |
West Klickitat | Modern | Any | Nov. 14-21 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 578 | 15 |
Mason | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 633 | 10 |
Wynoochee | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 648 | 8 |
Satsop | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 651 | 10 |
White River | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 653 | 10 |
Mashel | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 654 | 10 |
Minot Peak | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 660 | 5 |
Capitol Peak | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 663 | 8 |
Skookumchuck | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 667 | 10 |
Fall River | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 672 | 5 |
Chiliwist | Archery | Any | Nov. 21-30 | Any buck | GMU 239 | 10 |
Chiwawa | Archery | Any | Dec. 1-8 | Any buck | GMU 245 | 7 |
Slide Ridge | Archery | Any | Dec. 1-8 | Any buck | GMU 246 | 1 |
Entiat | Archery | Any | Nov. 21-30 | Any buck | GMU 247 | 30 |
Desert | Archery | Any | Sept. 1-29 | Any buck | GMU 290 | 10 |
Desert | Archery | Any | Nov. 16 - Dec. 1 | Any buck | GMU 290 | 17 |
Naneum | Archery | Any | Nov. 27 - Dec. 8 | Any buck | GMU 328 | 5 |
Quilomene | Archery | Any | Nov. 27 - Dec. 8 | Any buck | GMU 329 | 5 |
Teanaway | Archery | Any | Nov. 27 - Dec. 8 | Any buck | GMU 335 | 15 |
Kitsap | Archery | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 627 | 10 |
Skookumchuck | Archery | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 667 | 10 |
Blue Mtns. Foothills | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 | White-tailed, 3 pt. min. | GMUs 149, 154, 162, 166 | 45 |
Alta | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 25-30 | Any buck | GMU 242 | 10 |
Chiwawa | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 25-30 | Any buck | GMU 245 | 2 |
Slide Ridge | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 25-30 | Any buck | GMU 246 | 1 |
Mission | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 25-30 | Any buck | GMU 251 | 9 |
Desert | Muzzleloader | Any | Oct. 5-13 | Any buck | GMU 290 | 2 |
Teanaway | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 4-10 | Any buck | GMU 335 | 4 |
L.T. Murray | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 4-10 | Any buck | GMUs 336, 340 | 1 |
Bald Mountain | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 4-10 | Any buck | GMUs 342, 346 | 2 |
Naneum | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 4-10 | Any buck | GMU 328 | 1 |
Quilomene | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 21-29 | Any buck | GMU 329 | 2 |
Olympic | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 621 | 10 |
Bucks | Â | Â | Â | Â | Â | Â |
Hunt Name | Weapon/Tag | Hunters | Hunt Dates | Special Restrictions | Boundary | Permits |
Palouse | Modern | Any | Nov. 9-19 | White-tailed, 3 pt. min. | GMUs 127-142 | 300 |
Blue Mtns. Foothills West | Modern | Any | Nov. 9-19 | White-tailed, 3 pt. min. | GMUs 149, 154, 162, 163,166 | 60 |
Blue Mtns. Foothills East | Modern | Any | Nov. 9-19 | White-tailed, 3 pt. min. | GMUs 145, 172, 178, 181 | 25 |
Mayview | Any tag | Any | Nov. 16-19 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 145 | 15 |
Lick Creek | Modern | Any | Nov. 20-24 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 175 | 1 |
East Okanogan | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any white-tailed buck | GMU 204 | 20 |
Sinlahekin | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any white-tailed buck | GMU 215 | 20 |
Chewuch | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any white-tailed buck | GMU 218 | 10 |
Pearrygin | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any white-tailed buck | GMU 224 | 10 |
Gardner | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any white-tailed buck | GMU 231 | 10 |
Pogue | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any white-tailed buck | GMU 233 | 10 |
Chiliwist | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any white-tailed buck | GMU 239 | 10 |
Alta | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any white-tailed buck | GMU 242 | 10 |
Ritzville | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 284 | 11 |
Hoko | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 601 | 5 |
Sol Duc | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 607 | 5 |
Goodman | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 612 | 5 |
Clearwater | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 615 | 5 |
Quinault Ridge | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 638 | 1 |
North River | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 658 | 4 |
Williams Creek | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 673 | 3 |
Bear River-Long Beach | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMUs 681, 684 | 2 |
St. Andrews | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 254 | 4 |
Parker Lake | Archery | Any | Sept. 1-30 and Nov. 19 - Dec. 1 | Any white-tailed buck | Deer Area 1031 | 5 |
Big Bend | Archery | Any | Dec. 1-8 | Any buck | GMU 248 | 10 |
Ritzville | Archery | Any | Dec. 1-16 | Any buck | GMU 284 | 6 |
Alkali | Archery | Any | Sept. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 371 | 2 |
Ringold | Archery | Any | Nov. 15-24 | Any buck | GMU 379 | 5 |
Whitcomb | Archery | Any | Sept. 29 - Oct. 11 | Any buck | Deer Area 3071 | 10 |
Paterson | Archery | Any | Sept. 29 - Oct. 11 | Any buck | Deer Area 3072 | 10 |
West Klickitat | Archery | Any | Nov. 22-30 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 578 | 20 |
Skokomish | Archery | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 636 | 5 |
Parker Lake | Muzzleloader | Any | Oct. 1-31 and Dec. 2-14 | Any white-tailed buck | Deer Area 1031 | 5 |
Blue Creek | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 154 | 10 |
Dayton | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 162 | 15 |
Marengo | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 163 | 10 |
Tucannon | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 166 | 5 |
Wenaha | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 169 | 20 |
Mountain View | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 172 | 15 |
Peola | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 178 | 10 |
Ritzville | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 21-30 | Any buck | GMU 284 | 1 |
Alkali | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 21 - Oct. 11 | Any buck | GMU 371 | 1 |
Kahlotus | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Any buck | GMU 381 | 20 |
Whitcomb | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 18-26 | Any buck | Deer Area 3071 | 5 |
Paterson | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 18-26 | Any buck | Deer Area 3072 | 5 |
West Klickitat | Muzzleloader | Any | Dec. 1-8 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 578 | 20 |
Dickey | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 602 | 5 |
Copalis-Matheny | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMUs 618, 642 | 5 |
Moses Coulee | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 25 - Dec. 3 | Any buck | GMU 269 | 3 |
Antlerless | Â | Â | Â | Â | Â | Â |
Hunt Name | Weapon/Tag | Hunters | Hunt Dates | Special Restrictions | Boundary | Permits |
Mayview | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-12 | Antlerless | GMU 145 | 15 |
Prescott | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-12 | Antlerless | GMU 149 | 20 |
Blue Creek | Modern | Any | Nov. 9-19 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 154 | 15 |
Dayton | Modern | Any | Nov. 9-19 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 162 | 15 |
Ten Ten | Modern | Any | Nov. 9-19 | Antlerless | Deer Area 1010 | 5 |
Marengo | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-12 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 163 | 15 |
Marengo | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-12 | Antlerless | GMU 163 | 5 |
Peola | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-12 | Antlerless | GMU 178 | 10 |
Beezley | Archery | Any | Sept. 1-27 | Antlerless | GMU 272 | 40 |
Beezley | Archery | Any | Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 | Antlerless | GMU 272 | 40 |
Wahluke | Archery | Any | Sept. 1-27 | Antlerless | GMU 278 | 40 |
Wahluke | Archery | Any | Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 | Antlerless | GMU 278 | 40 |
Ryderwood | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 530 | 10 |
Olympic | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 621 | 15 |
Coyle | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 624 | 15 |
Kitsap | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 627 | 25 |
Mason | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 633 | 20 |
Skokomish | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 636 | 5 |
Wynoochee | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 648 | 30 |
Satsop | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 651 | 15 |
Mashel | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 654 | 10 |
North River | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 658 | 10 |
Minot Peak | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 660 | 20 |
Capitol Peak | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 663 | 5 |
Skookumchuck | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 667 | 20 |
Williams Creek | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 673 | 5 |
Mashel | Archery | Any | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 654 | 10 |
Whitcomb | Archery | Any | Oct. 17-29 | Antlerless | Deer Area 3071 | 10 |
Paterson | Archery | Any | Oct. 17-29 | Antlerless | Deer Area 3072 | 10 |
Whitcomb | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 29 - Dec. 5 | Antlerless | Deer Area 3071 | 10 |
Paterson | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 29 - Dec. 5 | Antlerless | Deer Area 3072 | 10 |
Washtucna | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 25 - Dec. 8 | Mule deer, antlerless | GMUs 139, 142, 284, 381 | 200 |
Mayview | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Mule deer, antlerless | GMU 145 | 5 |
Prescott | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 149 | 10 |
Blue Creek | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 154 | 10 |
Ten Ten | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | Deer Area 1010 | 10 |
Marengo | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 163 | 5 |
Peola | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 178 | 5 |
Mossyrock | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 505 | 10 |
Winston | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 520 | 5 |
Ryderwood | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 530 | 10 |
Coweeman | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 550 | 10 |
Yale | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 554 | 2 |
Olympic | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 621 | 25 |
Coyle | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 624 | 20 |
Mason | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 633 | 35 |
Skokomish | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 636 | 10 |
Wynoochee | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 648 | 25 |
Satsop | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 27 - Dec. 15 | Antlerless | GMU 651 | 30 |
Mashel | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 654 | 20 |
North River | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 658 | 8 |
Minot Peak | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 660 | 5 |
Capitol Peak | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 663 | 5 |
Williams Creek | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 673 | 5 |
2nd Deer | Â | Â | Â | Â | Â | Â |
Second deer permits are only valid with the purchase of a second deer license. The second deer license must be for the same tag type as the first deer license. | ||||||
Hunt Name | Weapon/Tag | Hunters | Hunt Dates | Special Restrictions | Boundary | Permits |
Benge | Any | Any | Dec. 17-24 | Antlerless | Deer Area 2010 | 5 |
Lakeview | Any | Any | Jan. 1-30, 2024 | Antlerless | Deer Area 2011 | 5 |
Methow | Any | Any | Sept. 3 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | Deer Area 2012 | 5 |
North Okanogan | Any | Any | Sept. 3 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | Deer Area 2013 | 5 |
Central Okanogan | Any | Any | Sept. 3 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | Deer Area 2014 | 5 |
Omak | Any | Any | Sept. 3 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | Deer Area 2015 | 5 |
Conconully | Any | Any | Sept. 3 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | Deer Area 2016 | 5 |
Lake Chelan North | Any | Any | Aug. 1-31 | Antlerless | Deer Area 2017 | 45 |
North Issaquah | Any | Any | Oct. 12-31 and Nov. 14-17 | Antlerless | Deer Area 4541 | 10 |
Mt. Spokane | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-25 and Nov. 9-19 | Antlerless | GMU 124 | 5 |
Mica Peak | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMU 127 | 5 |
Cheney Mule Deer | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-22 | Mule deer, antlerless | GMU 130 | 60 |
Cheney White-tailed Deer | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-22 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 130 | 5 |
Roosevelt Mule Deer | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-22 | Mule deer, antlerless | GMU 133 | 90 |
Roosevelt White-tailed Deer | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-22 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 133 | 5 |
Harrington | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMU 136 | 90 |
Steptoe | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-22 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 139 | 5 |
Almota | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-22 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 142 | 5 |
Washtucna | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-22 | Mule deer, antlerless | GMUs 139, 142, 284, 381 | 350 |
East Okanogan | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-22 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 204 | 5 |
Sinlahekin | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-22 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 215 | 5 |
Chewuch | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-22 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 218 | 5 |
Pearrygin | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-22 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 224 | 5 |
Gardner | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-22 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 231 | 5 |
Pogue | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-22 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 233 | 5 |
Chiliwist | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-22 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 239 | 5 |
Alta | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-22 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 242 | 5 |
Big Bend | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMU 248 | 10 |
St. Andrews | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMU 254 | 8 |
Foster Creek | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMU 260 | 8 |
Withrow | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMU 262 | 8 |
Badger | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMU 266 | 8 |
Desert | Modern | Any | Dec. 7-22 | Antlerless | GMU 290 | 25 |
Kahlotus | Modern | Any | Dec. 9-17 | Antlerless | GMU 381 | 10 |
Orcas | Any | Any | Sept. 1 - Dec. 31 | Antlerless | GMU 411 | 145 |
Shaw | Any | Any | Sept. 1 - Dec. 31 | Antlerless | GMU 412 | 25 |
San Juan | Any | Any | Sept. 1 - Dec. 31 | Antlerless | GMU 413 | 140 |
Lopez | Any | Any | Sept. 1 - Dec. 31 | Antlerless | GMU 414 | 150 |
Blakely | Any | Any | Aug. 1 - Dec. 31 | Antlerless | GMU 415 | 70 |
Decatur | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-31 and Nov. 14-17 | Antlerless | GMU 416 | 5 |
Cypress | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-31 and Nov. 14-17 | Antlerless | GMU 417 | 30 |
Guemes | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-31 and Nov. 14-17 | Antlerless | GMU 419 | 20 |
Whidbey | Any | Any | Aug. 1 - Dec. 31 | Antlerless | GMU 420 | 275 |
Camano | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-31 and Nov. 14-17 | Antlerless | GMU 421 | 30 |
Vashon-Maury | Any | Any | Aug. 1 - Dec. 31 | Antlerless | GMU 422 | 200 |
Anderson | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-31 and Nov. 14-17 | Antlerless | GMU 655 | 30 |
Deschutes | Modern | Any | Oct. 12-31 and Nov. 14-17 | Antlerless | GMU 666 | 40 |
Mt. Spokane | Archery | Any | Sept. 1-27 and Nov. 25 - Dec. 15 | Antlerless | GMU 124 | 5 |
Mica Peak | Archery | Any | Sept. 1-27 and Nov. 25 - Dec. 15 | Antlerless | GMU 127 | 5 |
Cheney Mule Deer | Archery | Any | Sept. 1-27 | Mule deer, antlerless | GMU 130 | 20 |
Cheney White-tailed Deer | Archery | Any | Sept. 1-27 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 130 | 5 |
Roosevelt Mule Deer | Archery | Any | Sept. 1-27 | Mule deer, antlerless | GMU 133 | 20 |
Roosevelt White-tailed Deer | Archery | Any | Sept. 1-27 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 133 | 5 |
Harrington | Archery | Any | Sept. 1-27 | Antlerless | GMU 136 | 30 |
Steptoe | Archery | Any | Sept. 1-27 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 139 | 5 |
Almota | Archery | Any | Sept. 1-27 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 142 | 5 |
Decatur | Archery | Any | Sept. 1-27 and Nov. 27 - Dec. 31 | Antlerless | GMU 416 | 5 |
Cypress | Archery | Any | Sept. 1-27 and Nov. 27 - Dec. 31 | Antlerless | GMU 417 | 20 |
Guemes | Archery | Any | Sept. 1-27 and Nov. 27 - Dec. 31 | Antlerless | GMU 419 | 10 |
Camano | Archery | Any | Sept. 1-27 and Nov. 27 - Dec. 31 | Antlerless | GMU 421 | 25 |
Miller | Archery | Any | Dec. 15-31 | Antlerless | Deer Area 6020 | 40 |
Anderson | Archery | Any | Sept. 1-27 and Nov. 27 - Dec. 31 | Antlerless | GMU 655 | 10 |
Mt. Spokane | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 124 | 5 |
Mica Peak | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 127 | 5 |
Cheney Mule Deer | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Mule deer, antlerless | GMU 130 | 10 |
Cheney White-tailed Deer | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 and Nov. 25 - Dec. 8 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 130 | 5 |
Roosevelt Mule Deer | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Mule deer, antlerless | GMU 133 | 10 |
Roosevelt White-tailed Deer | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 and Nov. 25 - Dec. 8 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 133 | 5 |
Harrington | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 136 | 10 |
Steptoe | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 and Nov. 25 - Dec. 8 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 139 | 5 |
Almota | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 and Nov. 25 - Dec. 8 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 142 | 5 |
Foster Creek | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 30 - Oct. 8 | Antlerless | GMU 260 | 5 |
Moses Coulee | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 30 - Oct. 8 | Antlerless | GMU 269 | 5 |
Lakeview | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 1-18 | Antlerless | Deer Area 2011 | 5 |
Decatur | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 and Nov. 27 - Dec. 15 | Antlerless | GMU 416 | 5 |
Cypress | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 and Nov. 27 - Dec. 15 | Antlerless | GMU 417 | 20 |
Guemes | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 and Nov. 27 - Dec. 15 | Antlerless | GMU 419 | 10 |
Camano | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 and Nov. 27 - Dec. 15 | Antlerless | GMU 421 | 20 |
Anderson | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 and Nov. 27 - Dec. 15 | Antlerless | GMU 655 | 5 |
Youth | Â | Â | Â | Â | Â | Â |
Hunt Name | Weapon/Tag | Hunters | Hunt Dates | Special Restrictions | Boundary | Permits |
Washtucna | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any deer | GMUs 139, 142, 284, 381 | 100 |
Blue Mtns. Foothills West | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMUs 149, 154, 163, Deer Area 1010 | 30 |
Blue Mtns. Foothills East | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMUs 145, 172, 178,181 | 20 |
Mayview | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any deer | GMU 145 | 15 |
Prescott | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any deer | GMU 149 | 20 |
Blue Creek | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any deer | GMU 154 | 5 |
Dayton | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any deer | GMU 162 | 5 |
Peola | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any deer | GMU 178 | 10 |
Tucannon | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any deer | GMU 166 | 5 |
Couse | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any deer | GMU 181 | 10 |
Grande Ronde | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any deer | GMU 186 | 3 |
East Okanogan | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 204 | 5 |
Wannacut | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 209 | 5 |
Sinlahekin | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 215 | 5 |
Chewuch | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 218 | 5 |
Pearrygin | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 224 | 5 |
Gardner | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 231 | 5 |
Pogue | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 233 | 5 |
Chiliwist | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 239 | 5 |
Alta | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 242 | 5 |
Chiwawa | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any deer | GMU 245 | 2 |
Entiat | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any deer | GMU 247 | 2 |
Swakane | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any deer | GMU 250 | 2 |
Mission | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any deer | GMU 251 | 3 |
Bridgeport | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any deer | GMUs 248, 260 | 20 |
Palisades | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any deer | GMUs 266, 269 | 20 |
Beezley | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any deer | GMU 272 | 40 |
Benge | Modern | Youth | Oct. 28 - Nov. 5 | Antlerless | Deer Area 2010 | 30 |
Desert | Modern | Youth | Dec. 7-29 | Antlerless | GMU 290 | 12 |
Horse Heaven Hills | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMU 373 | 10 |
Ringold | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMU 379 | 10 |
East Klickitat | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck | GMU 382 | 5 |
East Klickitat | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMU 382 | 5 |
Grayback | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck | GMU 388 | 5 |
Grayback | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMU 388 | 5 |
Green River | Any | Youth | Oct. 19-25 | Any buck | GMU 485 | 3 |
Lincoln | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 501 | 10 |
Randle | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 503 | 5 |
Mossyrock | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 505 | 10 |
Stormking | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 510 | 5 |
South Rainier | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 513 | 5 |
Packwood | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 516 | 5 |
Winston | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 520 | 10 |
Ryderwood | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 530 | 10 |
Coweeman | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 550 | 10 |
Yale | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 554 | 3 |
Toutle | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 556 | 15 |
Lewis River | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 560 | 5 |
Washougal | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 568 | 5 |
Siouxon | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 572 | 5 |
Wind River | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 574 | 5 |
West Klickitat | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-31 | Any buck | GMU 578 | 5 |
West Klickitat | Modern | Youth | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 578 | 5 |
Pysht | Modern | Youth | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 603 | 5 |
Olympic | Modern | Youth | Oct. 7-31 | Any deer | GMU 621 | 20 |
Coyle | Modern | Youth | Oct. 7-31 | Any deer | GMU 624 | 20 |
Kitsap | Modern | Youth | Oct. 7-31 | Any deer | GMU 627 | 20 |
Mason | Modern | Youth | Nov. 1-17 | Any deer | GMU 633 | 25 |
Skokomish | Modern | Youth | Oct. 7-31 | Any deer | GMU 636 | 15 |
Wynoochee | Modern | Youth | Oct. 7-31 | Any deer | GMU 648 | 20 |
Satsop | Modern | Youth | Oct. 7-31 | Any deer | GMU 651 | 20 |
Mashel | Modern | Youth | Oct. 5-31 | Antlerless | GMU 654 | 15 |
North River | Modern | Youth | Oct. 5-31 | Antlerless | GMU 658 | 5 |
Minot Peak | Modern | Youth | Oct. 7-31 | Any deer | GMU 660 | 5 |
Minot Peak | Modern | Youth | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 660 | 4 |
Capitol Peak | Modern | Youth | Oct. 7-31 | Any deer | GMU 663 | 5 |
Skookumchuck | Modern | Youth | Oct. 5-31 | Antlerless | GMU 667 | 15 |
Skookumchuck | Modern | Youth | Oct. 5-31 | Any buck | GMU 667 | 20 |
East Okanogan | Muzzleloader | Youth | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 204 | 3 |
Wannacut | Muzzleloader | Youth | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 209 | 3 |
Pogue | Muzzleloader | Youth | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 233 | 3 |
Chiliwist | Muzzleloader | Youth | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 239 | 3 |
Alta | Muzzleloader | Youth | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 242 | 3 |
Mission | Muzzleloader | Youth | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Any deer | GMU 251 | 2 |
Whitcomb | Muzzleloader | Youth | Nov. 1-13 | Antlerless | Deer Area 3071 | 5 |
Paterson | Muzzleloader | Youth | Nov. 1-13 | Antlerless | Deer Area 3072 | 5 |
Region 3 | Modern, Muzzleloader | Youth | Aug. 1, 2024 - Mar. 31, 2025 | Antlerless | Designated Areas in Region 3 | 20HC |
Region 5 | Modern, Muzzleloader, Archery | Youth with mentor | Aug. 1, 2024 - Mar. 31, 2025 | Antlerless | Designated Areas in Region 5 | 5HC |
Senior 65+ | Â | Â | Â | Â | Â | Â |
Hunt Name | Weapon/Tag | Hunters | Hunt Dates | Special Restrictions | Boundary | Permits |
Mt. Spokane | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-25 and Nov. 9-19 | Antlerless | GMU 124 | 5 |
Mica Peak | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMU 127 | 5 |
Cheney Mule Deer | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | Mule deer, antlerless | GMU 130 | 10 |
Cheney White-tailed Deer | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 130 | 5 |
Roosevelt Mule Deer | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | Mule deer, antlerless | GMU 133 | 15 |
Roosevelt White-tailed Deer | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 133 | 5 |
Harrington | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMU 136 | 10 |
Steptoe | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 139 | 5 |
Almota | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 142 | 5 |
Washtucna | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | Mule deer, antlerless | GMUs 139, 142, 284, 381 | 20 |
Blue Mtns. Foothills | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMUs 145, 149, 154, 163, Deer Area 1010, 178, 181 | 15 |
East Okanogan | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 204 | 5 |
Wannacut | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 209 | 5 |
Sinlahekin | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 215 | 5 |
Chewuch | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 218 | 5 |
Pearrygin | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 224 | 5 |
Gardner | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 231 | 5 |
Pogue | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 233 | 5 |
Chiliwist | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 239 | 5 |
Alta | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 242 | 5 |
Chiwawa | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | Any deer | GMU 245 | 3 |
Entiat | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | Any deer | GMU 247 | 3 |
Swakane | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | Any deer | GMU 250 | 3 |
Mission | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | Any deer | GMU 251 | 3 |
Bridgeport | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMUs 248, 260 | 5 |
Palisades | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMUs 266, 269 | 5 |
Rattlesnake Hills | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMU 372 | 10 |
Horse Heaven Hills | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMU 373 | 10 |
North Issaquah | Any | 65+ | Oct. 12-31 and Nov. 14-17 | Antlerless | Deer Area 4541 | 10 |
Lincoln | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 501 | 5 |
Mossyrock | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 505 | 5 |
Winston | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 520 | 5 |
Yale | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 554 | 2 |
Toutle | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 556 | 5 |
Washougal | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 568 | 2 |
Olympic | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 621 | 5 |
Coyle | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 624 | 5 |
Kitsap | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 627 | 10 |
Mason | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 633 | 20 |
Skokomish | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 636 | 5 |
Wynoochee | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 648 | 20 |
Satsop | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 651 | 10 |
Mashel | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 654 | 10 |
North River | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 658 | 5 |
Minot Peak | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 660 | 10 |
Capitol Peak | Modern | 65+ | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 663 | 5 |
Hunters with Disabilities | ||||||
Hunt Name | Weapon/Tag | Hunters | Hunt Dates | Special Restrictions | Boundary | Permits |
Mt. Spokane | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-25 and Nov. 9-19 | Antlerless | GMU 124 | 5 |
Mica Peak | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMU 127 | 5 |
Cheney Mule Deer | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | Mule deer, antlerless | GMU 130 | 10 |
Cheney White-tailed Deer | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 130 | 5 |
Roosevelt Mule Deer | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | Mule deer, antlerless | GMU 133 | 15 |
Roosevelt White-tailed Deer | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 133 | 5 |
Harrington | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMU 136 | 10 |
Steptoe | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 139 | 5 |
Almota | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 142 | 5 |
Washtucna | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | Mule deer, antlerless | GMUs 139, 142, 284, 381 | 20 |
Blue Mtns. Foothills | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMUs 145, 149, 154, 163, Deer Area 1010, 178, 181 | 10 |
East Okanogan | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 204 | 5 |
Wannacut | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 209 | 5 |
Sinlahekin | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 215 | 5 |
Chewuch | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 218 | 5 |
Pearrygin | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 224 | 5 |
Gardner | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 231 | 5 |
Pogue | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 233 | 5 |
Chiliwist | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 239 | 5 |
Alta | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 242 | 5 |
Chiwawa | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | Any deer | GMU 245 | 2 |
Entiat | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | Any deer | GMU 247 | 2 |
Mission | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | Any deer | GMU 251 | 2 |
Saint Andrews | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMU 254 | 5 |
Bridgeport | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMUs 248, 260 | 5 |
Palisades | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMUs 266, 269 | 5 |
Beezley | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMU 272 | 10 |
Horse Heaven Hills | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-22 | Antlerless | GMU 373 | 10 |
Kahlotus | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Nov. 1-14 | Antlerless | GMU 381 | 10 |
North Issaquah | Any | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-31 and Nov. 14-17 | Antlerless | Deer Area 4541 | 10 |
Green River | Any | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 19-25 | Any buck | GMU 485 | 2 |
Lincoln | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 501 | 2 |
Mossyrock | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 505 | 3 |
Winston | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 520 | 2 |
Toutle | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 556 | 3 |
Washougal | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 568 | 2 |
Olympic | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 621 | 5 |
Skokomish | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 636 | 10 |
Satsop | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 651 | 10 |
Mashel | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 654 | 10 |
North River | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 658 | 2 |
Minot Peak | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 660 | 5 |
Capitol Peak | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 663 | 5 |
Skookumchuck | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 667 | 10 |
Fall River | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. 12-31 | Antlerless | GMU 672 | 2 |
Fall River | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Nov. 1-13 | Any buck | GMU 672 | 5 |
East Okanogan | Muzzleloader | Hunter with Disability | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 204 | 3 |
Sinlahekin | Muzzleloader | Hunter with Disability | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 215 | 3 |
Gardner | Muzzleloader | Hunter with Disability | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Any buck, white-tailed antlerless | GMU 231 | 3 |
Chiwawa | Muzzleloader | Hunter with Disability | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 245 | 3 |
Entiat | Muzzleloader | Hunter with Disability | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 247 | 3 |
Mission | Muzzleloader | Hunter with Disability | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 251 | 3 |
Saint Andrews | Muzzleloader | Hunter with Disability | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 254 | 5 |
Bridgeport | Muzzleloader | Hunter with Disability | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMUs 248, 260 | 5 |
Palisades | Muzzleloader | Hunter with Disability | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMUs 266, 269 | 5 |
Olympic | Muzzleloader | Hunter with Disability | Sept. 28 - Oct. 6 |