Chapter 110-300 WAC
WAC Sections
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0001 | Intent and authority. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0005 | Definitions. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0010 | License required. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0011 | License transfers. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0015 | Licensee absence. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0016 | Inactive status—Voluntary and temporary closure. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0020 | Unlicensed programs. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0025 | Certified and exempt programs. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0030 | Nondiscrimination. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0035 | Department access to licensed space. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0055 | Developmental screening and communication to parents or guardians. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0065 | School readiness and family engagement activities. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0080 | Family support self-assessment. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0085 | Family partnerships and communication. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0100 | General staff qualifications. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0105 | Preservice requirements. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0106 | Training requirements. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0107 | In-service training. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0110 | Program based staff policies and training. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0111 | Staff oversight. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0115 | Staff records. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0120 | Providing for personal, professional, and health needs of staff. |
ENVIRONMENT Space and Furnishings | ||
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0130 | Indoor early learning program space. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0135 | Routine care, play, learning, relaxation, and comfort. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0140 | Room arrangement, child-related displays, private space, and belongings. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0145 | Outdoor early learning program space. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0146 | Equipment and surfaces in outdoor early learning space. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0147 | Weather conditions and outdoor hazards. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0148 | Gardens in outdoor early learning program space. |
Activities | ||
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0150 | Program and activities. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0155 | Use of television, video, and computers. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0160 | Promoting acceptance of diversity. |
Safety | ||
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0165 | Safety requirements. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0166 | Emergency preparation and exiting. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0170 | Fire safety. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0175 | Water hazards and swimming pools. |
Food and Nutrition | ||
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0180 | Meal and snack schedule. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0185 | Menus, milk, and food. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0186 | Food allergies and special dietary needs. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0190 | Parent or guardian provided food and written food plans. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0195 | Food service, equipment, and practices. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0196 | Food sources. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0197 | Safe food practices. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0198 | Food preparation areas. |
Health Practices | ||
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0200 | Handwashing and hand sanitizer. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0205 | Child, staff, and household member illness. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0210 | Immunizations and exempt children. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0215 | Medication. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0220 | Bathroom space and toilet training. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0221 | Diaper changing areas, privacy, and disposal. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0225 | Pets and animals. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0230 | First-aid—CPR certification and supplies. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0235 | Safe water sources. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0236 | Safe drinking water. |
Cleaning and Sanitation | ||
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0240 | Clean and healthy environment. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0241 | Cleaning schedules. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0245 | Laundry and equipment. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0250 | Private septic systems. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0255 | Pest control. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0260 | Storage of hazardous and maintenance supplies. |
Sleep and Rest | ||
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0265 | Sleep, rest, and equipment. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0270 | Overnight care. |
Infant and Toddler | ||
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0275 | Infant and toddler care. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0280 | Bottle preparation. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0281 | Breast milk. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0285 | Infant and toddler nutrition and feeding. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0290 | Infant and toddler sleep, rest, and equipment. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0291 | Infant safe sleep practices. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0295 | Infant and toddler programs and activities. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0296 | Infant and toddler development. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0300 | Individual care plan. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0305 | Curriculum philosophy and planning. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0310 | Concept development and feedback quality. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0315 | Language modeling and reasoning. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0320 | Facilitating child interests, learning, perspective, and productivity. |
Emotional Support and Classroom Organization | ||
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0325 | Creating a climate for healthy child development. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0330 | Positive relationships and child guidance. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0331 | Prohibited behavior and discipline, and physical separation of children. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0335 | Physical restraint. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0340 | Expulsion. |
Program Structure and Organization | ||
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0345 | Supervising children. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0350 | Supervising children during water activities. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0354 | Indoor early learning program space capacity. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0355 | Family home capacity, ratio, and group size. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0356 | Center capacity, ratio, and group size. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0357 | Center mixed age group capacity, ratio, and group size. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0358 | Capacity waiver for family home providers. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0360 | Program and daily schedule. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0400 | Application materials. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0401 | License fees. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0402 | Changing early learning program space or location. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0410 | License and program location. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0415 | Zoning, codes, and ordinances. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0420 | Prohibited substances. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0425 | Initial and nonexpiring licenses—Reporting—License modification. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0430 | Authority and requirements to possess more than one license. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0435 | Waiver from department rules—WAC. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0436 | Variance from department rules—WAC. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0440 | Facility licensing compliance agreements, nonreferral status, probationary license, and provider rights. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0443 | Enforcement actions, notice, and appeal. |
Records, Policies, Reporting and Posting | ||
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0450 | Parent or guardian handbook and related policies. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0455 | Attendance records. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0460 | Child records. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0465 | Retaining facility and program records. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0470 | Emergency preparedness plan. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0475 | Duty to protect children and report incidents. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0480 | Transportation and off-site activity policy. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0485 | Termination of services policy. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0486 | Expulsion policy. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0490 | Child restraint policy. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0495 | Consistent care policy. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0500 | Health policy. |
HTMLPDF | 110-300-0505 | Postings. |