Chapter 70A.224 RCW



HTMLPDF 70A.224.005Finding.
HTMLPDF 70A.224.010Definitions.
HTMLPDF 70A.224.020Used oil recycling element.
HTMLPDF 70A.224.030Used oil recycling element guidelinesWaiverStatewide goals.
HTMLPDF 70A.224.040Oil sellersEducation responsibilityPenalty.
HTMLPDF 70A.224.050Statewide education.
HTMLPDF 70A.224.060Disposal of used oilPenalty.
HTMLPDF 70A.224.070Used oil transporter and processor requirementsCivil penalties.
HTMLPDF 70A.224.080Above-ground used oil collection tanks.
HTMLPDF 70A.224.900Short title.


(1) The legislature finds that:
(a) Millions of gallons of used oil are generated each year in this state, and used oil is a valuable petroleum resource that can be recycled;
(b) The improper collection, transportation, recycling, use, or disposal of used oil contributes to the pollution of air, water, and land, and endangers public health and welfare;
(c) The private sector is a vital resource in the collection and recycling of used oil and should be involved in its collection and recycling whenever practicable.
(2) In light of the harmful consequences of improper disposal and use of used oil, and its value as a resource, the legislature declares that the collection, recycling, and reuse of used oil is in the public interest.
(3) The department, when appropriate, should promote the rerefining of used oil in its grants, public education, regulatory, and other programs.
[ 1991 c 319 s 301. Formerly RCW 70.95I.005.]


Hazardous waste: Chapter 70A.214 RCW.


Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter.
(1) "Department" means the department of ecology.
(2) "Local government" means a city or county developing a local hazardous waste plan under RCW 70A.300.350.
(3) "Lubricating oil" means any oil designed for use in, or maintenance of, a vehicle, including, but not limited to, motor oil, gear oil, and hydraulic oil. "Lubricating oil" does not mean petroleum hydrocarbons with a flash point below one hundred degrees Centigrade.
(4) "Public used oil collection site" means a site where a used oil collection tank has been placed for the purpose of collecting household generated used oil. "Public used oil collection site" also means a vehicle designed or operated to collect used oil from the public.
(5) "Rerefining used oil" means the reclaiming of base lube stock from used oil for use again in the production of lube stock. Rerefining used oil does not mean combustion or landfilling.
(6) "Used oil" means (a) lubricating fluids that have been removed from an engine crankcase, transmission, gearbox, hydraulic device, or differential of an automobile, bus, truck, vessel, plane, heavy equipment, or machinery powered by an internal combustion engine; (b) any oil that has been refined from crude oil, used, and as a result of use, has been contaminated with physical or chemical impurities; and (c) any oil that has been refined from crude oil and, as a consequence of extended storage, spillage, or contamination, is no longer useful to the original purchaser. "Used oil" does not include used oil to which hazardous wastes have been added.
(7) "Vehicle" includes every device physically capable of being moved upon a public or private highway, road, street, watercourse, or trail, and in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a public or private highway, road, street, watercourse, or trail, except devices moved by human or animal power.


Reviser's note: The definitions in this section have been alphabetized pursuant to RCW 1.08.015(2)(k).

Used oil recycling element.

(1) Each local government and its local hazardous waste plan under RCW 70A.300.350 is required to include a used oil recycling element. This element shall include:
(a) A plan to reach the local goals for household used oil recycling established by the local government and the department under RCW 70A.224.030. The plan shall, to the maximum extent possible, incorporate voluntary agreements with the private sector and state agencies to provide sites for the collection of used oil. Where provided, the plan shall also incorporate residential collection of used oil;
(b) A plan for enforcing the sign and container ordinances required by RCW 70A.224.040;
(c) A plan for public education on used oil recycling;
(d) A plan for addressing best management practices as provided for under RCW 70A.224.030; and
(e) An estimate of funding needed to implement the requirements of this chapter. This estimate shall include a budget reserve for disposal of contaminated oil detected at any public used oil collection site administered by the local government.
(2) By July 1, 1993, each local government or combination of contiguous local governments shall submit its used oil recycling element to the department. The department shall approve or disapprove the used oil recycling element by January 1, 1994, or within ninety days of submission, whichever is later. The department shall approve or disapprove the used oil recycling element if it determines that the element is consistent with this chapter and the guidelines developed by the department under RCW 70A.224.030.
(3) Each local government, or combination of contiguous local governments, shall submit an annual statement to the department describing the number of used oil collection sites and the quantity of household used oil recycled for the jurisdiction during the previous calendar year. The first statement shall be due April 1, 1994. Subsequent statements shall be due April 1st of each year.
(4) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require a city or county to construct or operate a public used oil collection site.

Used oil recycling element guidelinesWaiverStatewide goals.

(1) The department shall, in consultation with local governments, maintain guidelines for the used oil recycling elements required by RCW 70A.224.020 and, by July 1, 2015, shall develop best management practices for preventing and managing polychlorinated biphenyl contamination at public used oil collection sites.
(a) The guidelines shall:
(i) Require development of local collection and rerefining goals for household used oil for each entity preparing a used oil recycling element under RCW 70A.224.020;
(ii) Require local government to recommend the number of used oil collection sites needed to meet the local goals. The department shall establish criteria regarding minimum levels of used oil collection sites;
(iii) Require local government to identify locations suitable as public used oil collection sites as described under RCW 70A.224.020(1)(a).
(b) The best management practices for preventing and managing polychlorinated biphenyl contamination at public used oil collection sites must include, at a minimum:
(i) Tank testing requirements;
(ii) Contaminated tank labeling and security measures;
(iii) Contaminated tank cleanup standards;
(iv) Proper contaminated used oil disposal as required under chapter 70A.300 RCW and 40 C.F.R. Part 761;
(v) Spill control measures; and
(vi) Model contract language for contracts with used oil collection vendors.
(2) The department may waive all or part of the specific requirements of RCW 70A.224.020 if a local government demonstrates to the satisfaction of the department that the objectives of this chapter have been met.
(3) The department may prepare and implement a used oil recycling plan for any local government failing to complete the used oil recycling element of the plan.
(4) The department shall develop statewide collection and rerefining goals for household used oil for each calendar year beginning with calendar year 1994. Goals shall be based on the estimated statewide collection and rerefining rate for calendar year 1993, and shall increase each year until calendar year 1996, when the rate shall be eighty percent.
(5) By July 1, 2015, the department shall update the guidelines establishing statewide equipment and operating standards for public used oil collection sites. The updated guidelines must include the best management practices for prevention and management of contaminated used oil developed pursuant to subsection (1) of this section and a process for how to petition the legislature for relief of extraordinary costs incurred with the management and disposal of contaminated used oil. In addition, the standards shall:
(a) Allow the use of used oil collection igloos and other types of portable used oil collection tanks;
(b) Prohibit the disposal of nonhousehold-generated used oil;
(c) Limit the amount of used oil deposited to five gallons per household per day;
(d) Ensure adequate protection against leaks and spills; and
(e) Include other requirements deemed appropriate by the department.

Oil sellersEducation responsibilityPenalty.

(1) A person annually selling one thousand or more gallons of lubricating oil to ultimate consumers for use or installation off the premises, or five hundred or more vehicle oil filters to ultimate consumers for use or installation off the premises within a city or county having an approved used oil recycling element, shall:
(a) Post and maintain at or near the point of sale, durable and legible signs informing the public of the importance of used oil recycling and how and where used oil may be properly recycled; and
(b) Provide for sale at or near the display location of the lubricating oil or vehicle oil filters, household used oil recycling containers. The department shall design and print the signs required by this section, and shall make them available to local governments and retail outlets.
(2) A person, who, after notice, violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars.
(3) The department is responsible for notifying retailers subject to this section.
(4) A city or county may adopt household used oil recycling container standards in order to ensure compatibility with local recycling programs.
(5) Each local government preparing a used oil recycling element of a local hazardous waste plan pursuant to RCW 70A.224.020 shall adopt ordinances within its jurisdiction to enforce subsections (1) and (4) of this section.

Statewide education.

The department shall conduct a public education program to inform the public of the needs for and benefits of collecting and recycling used oil in order to conserve resources and protect the environment. As part of this program, the department shall:
(1) Establish and maintain a statewide list of public used oil collection sites, and a list of all persons coordinating local government used oil programs;
(2) Establish a statewide media campaign describing used oil recycling;
(3) Assist local governments in providing public education and awareness programs concerning used oil by providing technical assistance and education materials; and
(4) Encourage the establishment of voluntary used oil collection and recycling programs, including public-private partnerships, and provide technical assistance to persons organizing such programs.
[ 1991 c 319 s 306. Formerly RCW 70.95I.050.]

Disposal of used oilPenalty.

(1) Effective January 1, 1992, the use of used oil for dust suppression or weed abatement is prohibited.
(2) Effective July 1, 1992, no person may sell or distribute absorbent-based kits, intended for home use, as a means for collecting, recycling, or disposing of used oil.
(3) Effective January 1, 1994, no person may knowingly dispose of used oil except by delivery to a person collecting used oil for recycling, treatment, or disposal, subject to the provisions of this chapter and chapter 70A.300 RCW.
(4) Effective January 1, 1994, no owner or operator of a solid waste landfill may knowingly accept used oil for disposal in the landfill.
(5) A person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor.

Used oil transporter and processor requirementsCivil penalties.

(1) By January 1, 1993, the department shall adopt rules requiring any transporter of used oil to comply with minimum notification, invoicing, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements. For the purpose of this section, a transporter means a person engaged in the off-site transportation of used oil in quantities greater than twenty-five gallons per day.
(2) By January 1, 1993, the department shall adopt minimum standards for used oil that is blended into fuels. Standards shall, at a minimum, establish testing and recordkeeping requirements. Unless otherwise exempted, a processor is any person involved in the marketing, blending, mixing, or processing of used oil to produce fuel to be burned for energy recovery.
(3) Any person who knowingly transports used oil without meeting the requirements of this section shall be subject to civil penalties under chapter 70A.300 RCW.
(4) Rules developed under this section shall not require a manifest from individual residences served by a waste oil curbside collection program.

Above-ground used oil collection tanks.

By January 1, 1987, the state fire protection board, in cooperation with the department of ecology, shall develop a statewide standard for the placement of above-ground tanks to collect used oil from private individuals for recycling purposes.

Short title.

This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the used oil recycling act.
[ 1991 c 319 s 310. Formerly RCW 70.95I.901.]