Chapter 60.64 RCW



HTMLPDF 60.64.003"Hotel" defined.
HTMLPDF 60.64.005Record of guestsHotels and trailer camps.
HTMLPDF 60.64.007Liability for loss of valuables, baggage and other property.
HTMLPDF 60.64.010Lien on property of guest"Guest" defined.
HTMLPDF 60.64.040SaleNoticeDisposition of funds.
HTMLPDF 60.64.050Obtaining accommodations by fraudPenalty.


Lien of hotels, lodging and boarding houses1890 act: Chapter 60.66 RCW.

"Hotel" defined.

See RCW 19.48.010.

Record of guestsHotels and trailer camps.

See RCW 19.48.020.

Liability for loss of valuables, baggage and other property.

See RCW 19.48.030 and 19.48.070.

Lien on property of guest"Guest" defined.

The keeper of any hotel, boarding house or lodging house, whether individual, partnership or corporation, has a lien upon, and may retain, all baggage, sample cases, and other property, lawfully in the possession of a guest, boarder, or lodger, brought upon the premises by such guest, boarder, or lodger, for the proper charges due from him or her, on account of his or her food, board, room rent, lodging and accommodation, and for such extras as are furnished at his or her request, and for all money and credit paid for or advanced to him or her; and for the costs of enforcing such lien; and said hotel keeper, inn keeper, lodging house keeper or boarding house keeper, shall have the right to retain and hold possession of such baggage, sample cases and other property until the amount of such charges and moneys be fully paid, and to sell such baggage, sample cases, or other property for the payment of such lien, charges and moneys in the manner provided in RCW 60.64.040; and such baggage, sample cases and property shall not be subject to attachment or execution until such lien and storage charges and the cost of satisfying such lien are fully satisfied: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That if any baggage, sample cases, or property becoming subject to the lien herein provided for does not belong to the guest, boarder or lodger who incurred the charges or indebtedness secured thereby at the time when such charges or indebtedness shall be incurred, and if the hotel, inn, boarding house or lodging house keeper entitled to such lien receives actual notice of such fact at any time before the sale of such baggage, sample cases or property hereunder, then and in that event such baggage, sample cases and property which are subject to said lien and do not belong to said guest, boarder or lodger at the time when such charges or indebtedness shall be incurred, shall not be subject to sale in the manner herein provided, but the same may be sold in the manner provided by law for the sale of property under a writ of execution to satisfy a judgment obtained in any action brought to recover the said charges or indebtedness. A guest, within the meaning of this chapter and chapter 19.48 RCW, includes each and every person who is a member of the family of, or dependent upon, a guest, boarder or lodger, in such hotel, inn, boarding house or lodging house, and for whose support such tenant, guest, boarder or lodger is legally liable.
[ 1929 c 216 s 4; 1915 c 190 s 5; RRS s 6864. Formerly RCW 60.64.010 through 60.64.030.]

SaleNoticeDisposition of funds.

If such lien and all such charges and moneys are not fully paid and satisfied within sixty days from the time when such charges and moneys, respectively, become due, the keeper of such hotel, inn, boarding house or lodging house, may then proceed to sell such baggage, sample cases and other property, or any part thereof, at public auction, after giving ten days notice of the time and place of sale by posting said notice in three public places in the city or town wherein such hotel, inn, boarding house or lodging house is located, and by mailing a notice of the time and place of sale to such guest[,] boarder or lodger at the place of residence, if any, registered by him or her on the register, if any, of said hotel, inn, boarding house or lodging house; and after satisfying the lien and paying all legal charges due from such guest, boarder or lodger, including proper charges for storage of the said baggage, sample cases or property, and any expense of selling the same that may accrue, any residue remaining shall, on demand, within one year after such sale, be paid to such guest, boarder or lodger, or his or her legal representatives: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That should such guest, boarder or lodger fail or refuse to register from any particular town or city, or not register at all, the notice herein required to be mailed shall be addressed to the name of such guest, boarder or lodger at the city or town wherein such hotel, inn, boarding house or lodging house is located; and such sale shall be a perpetual bar to any action against said hotel, inn, boarding house or lodging house keeper for the recovery of such baggage, sample cases, or property, or of the value thereof, or for any damage arising from the failure of such guest, boarder or lodger to receive such baggage, sample cases, or property.

Obtaining accommodations by fraudPenalty.

See RCW 19.48.110.