Chapter 57.06 RCW



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HTMLPDF 57.06.1801988 validation.
HTMLPDF 57.06.190Sewer districtsValidation1959 c 103.
HTMLPDF 57.06.200Sewer districtsFormation of districts validated.
HTMLPDF 57.06.210Sewer districtsValidation of prior mergers.

1927 validation.

In case an attempt has been made to organize a water district not containing within its boundaries any incorporated city or town, and either through inadvertence or mistake the election for the organization of the district was held more than thirty days from the date of such certificate of the county auditor but less than sixty days from such date, such proceedings shall not be deemed invalid by reason thereof, and in case all other proceedings in connection with the organization of any such water district were regular, such proceedings are hereby validated and all bonds and warrants issued or to be issued by any such water district are hereby declared to be valid.
[ 1927 c 230 s 2; RRS s 11581-1.]


Reviser's note: This section appeared in an act the first section of which amended RRS s 11581 which compiled 1913 c 161 s 3 as amended. 1913 c 161 was declared unconstitutional in Drum v. Univ. Place Water Dist., 144 Wash. 585, 258 P. 505 (1927). The current basic water district act codified in this title is 1929 c 114.

1931 validation.

Each and all of the respective areas of land heretofore organized or attempted to be organized or incorporated under *chapter 161 of the Laws of 1913, and amendments thereto, are each hereby declared to be and created into duly existing water districts having the respective boundaries set forth in their respective organization proceedings as shown in the files and records of the office of the board of county commissioners of the county in which said organization, or attempted organization is located. The water districts validated or created by this act shall have the same rights, liabilities, duties and obligations as water districts created under chapter 114 of the Laws of 1929, and amendments thereto: PROVIDED, That the provisions of this act shall apply only to those water districts which have maintained their organization as water districts since the date of their attempted incorporation or establishment: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That nothing herein contained shall be deemed to validate the debts, contracts, bonds or other obligations executed prior to this act in connection with or in pursuance of such attempted organization, and all taxes or assessments shall hereafter be levied in accordance with the act of 1929, chapter 114, approved March 13, 1929.
[ 1931 c 71 s 1; RRS s 11604.]


*Reviser's note: The language "chapter 161 of the Laws of 1913" appears in 1931 c 71 s 1. See note following RCW 57.06.010.

1943 validation.

Each and all of the respective areas of land heretofore attempted to be organized into water districts or into local improvement districts or utility local improvement districts under the provisions of chapter 114 of the Laws of 1929 and amendments thereto, are hereby validated and declared to be duly existing water districts, or local improvement districts, or utility local improvement districts, as the case may be, having the respective boundaries set forth in their organization proceedings as shown by the files in the office of the board of county commissioners of the county in question and of such water districts.
[ 1943 c 177 s 1; Rem. Supp. 1943 s 11604-13.]

1943 validation.

All debts, contracts, and obligations heretofore made or incurred by or in favor of any such water district, local improvement district, or utility local improvement district, and all bonds or other obligations executed by such districts in connection with or in pursuance of such attempted organization, and any and all assessments or levies, and all other things and proceedings done or taken by such districts or by their respective officers acting under or in pursuance of such attempted organization, are hereby declared legal and valid and of full force and effect.
[ 1943 c 177 s 2; Rem. Supp. 1943 s 11604-14.]

1943 validation.

The provisions of the act shall apply only to such districts attempted to be organized under chapter 114 of the Laws of 1929, and amendments thereto, which have maintained their organization as such since the date of such attempted organization, establishment, or creation.
[ 1943 c 177 s 3; Rem. Supp. 1943 s 11604-15.]

1945 validation.

Each and all of the respective areas of land heretofore attempted to be organized into water districts or into local improvement districts or utility local improvement districts under the provisions of Pierce's Perpetual Code 994-1 to -53, chapter 114, Laws of 1929, and amendments thereto (sections 11579 to 11604, Remington's Revised Statutes), are hereby validated and declared to be duly existing water districts, or local improvement districts, or utility local improvement districts, as the case may be, having the respective boundaries set forth in their organization proceedings as shown by the files in the office of the board of county commissioners of the county in question and of such water districts.
[ 1945 c 40 s 1; Rem. Supp. 1945 s 11604-17.]

1945 validation.

All debts, contracts, and obligations heretofore made or incurred by or in favor of any such water district, local improvement district, or utility local improvement district, and all bonds or other obligations executed by such districts in connection with or in pursuance of such attempted organization, and any and all assessments or levies, and all other things and proceedings done or taken by such districts or by their respective officers acting under or in pursuance of such attempted organization, are hereby declared legal and valid and of full force and effect.
[ 1945 c 40 s 2; Rem. Supp. 1945 s 11604-18.]

1945 validation.

The provisions of this act shall apply only to such districts attempted to be organized under Pierce's Perpetual Code 994-1 to 53, chapter 114, Laws of 1929, and amendments thereto (sections 11579 to 11604, Remington's Revised Statutes), which have maintained their organization as such since the date of such attempted organization, establishment, or creation.
[ 1945 c 40 s 3; Rem. Supp. 1945 s 11604-19.]

1953 validation.

Each and all of the respective areas of land heretofore attempted to be organized into water districts, including all areas attempted to be annexed thereto, or into local improvement districts or utility local improvement districts, under the provisions of chapter 114, Laws of 1929, and amendments thereto, are hereby validated and declared to be duly existing water districts, or local improvement districts, or utility local improvement districts, as the case may be, having the respective boundaries set forth in their organization and annexation proceedings as shown by the files in the office of the board of county commissioners of the county in question and of such water districts.

1953 validation.

All debts, contracts, and obligations heretofore made or incurred by or in favor of any such water district, local improvement district, or utility local improvement district, and all bonds or other obligations executed by such districts in connection with or in pursuance of such attempted organization, and any and all assessments or levies, and all other things and proceedings done or taken by such districts or by their respective officers acting under or in pursuance of such attempted organization, are hereby declared legal and valid and of full force and effect.

1953 validation.

The provisions of this act shall apply only to such districts attempted to be organized under chapter 114, Laws of 1929, and amendments thereto, which have maintained their organization as such since the date of such attempted organization, establishment, or creation.

1959 validation.

All debts, contracts and obligations heretofore made or incurred by or in favor of any water district and all bonds, warrants, or other obligations issued by such district, and all charges heretofore made by such districts, and any and all assessments heretofore levied in any local improvement districts or utility local improvement districts of any water district, and all other things and proceedings relating thereto done or taken by such water districts or by their respective officers are hereby declared to be legal and valid and of full force and effect from the date thereof: PROVIDED, That nothing in this section shall apply to ultra vires acts or acts of fraud committed by the officers or agents of said district.

1975 validation.

Each and all of the respective areas of land heretofore attempted to be organized into water districts under the provisions of chapter 114, Laws of 1929, and amendments thereto, are hereby validated and declared to be duly existing water districts, having the respective boundaries set forth in their organization proceedings as shown by the files in the office of the board of county commissioners of the county in question and of such water districts.

1975 validation.

All debts, contracts, and obligations heretofore made or incurred by or in favor of any such water district, and all bonds or other obligations executed by such districts in connection with or in pursuance of such attempted organization, and any and all assessments or levies, and all other things and proceedings done or taken by such districts or by their respective officers, including by persons acting as commissioners nominated by petition of at least twenty-five percent of the qualified electors of the district, and elected and qualified as otherwise provided by law, acting under or in pursuance of such attempted organization, are hereby declared legal and valid and of full force and effect.

1975 validation.

The holding and exercise of the office of commissioner by persons now serving as members of the first board of commissioners under or in pursuance of such attempted organization, nominated by petition of at least twenty-five percent of the qualified electors of the district, and elected and qualified as otherwise provided by law, is hereby declared legal and valid and of full force and effect.

1975 validation.

RCW 57.06.140 through 57.06.160 shall apply only to such districts attempted to be organized under chapter 114, Laws of 1929, and amendments thereto, which have maintained their organization as such since the date of such attempted organization, establishment, or creation, or which have been merged into another municipal corporation.

1988 validation.

The existence of all water districts formed in counties without a boundary review board in compliance with the requirements of chapter 57.04 RCW, whether or not the requirements of RCW 57.02.040 and * 56.02.070 were satisfied, is validated and such districts shall be deemed to be legally formed.


*Reviser's note: RCW 56.02.070 was recodified as RCW 57.02.045 by 1996 c 230 s 1701, effective July 1, 1997.

Sewer districtsValidation1959 c 103.

All debts, contracts and obligations heretofore made or incurred by or in favor of any sewer district, all bonds, warrants, or other obligations issued by such districts, any connection or service charges made by such districts, any and all assessments heretofore levied in any utility local improvement districts of any sewer districts, and all other things and proceedings relating thereto done or taken by such sewer districts or by their respective officers are hereby declared to be legal and valid and of full force and effect from the date thereof: PROVIDED, That nothing in this section shall apply to ultra vires acts or acts of fraud committed by the officers or agents of said district.
[ 1959 c 103 s 17. Formerly RCW 56.02.030.]


Severability1959 c 103: See note following RCW 57.08.044.

Sewer districtsFormation of districts validated.

The existence of all sewer districts formed in counties without a boundary review board in compliance with the requirements of *chapter 56.04 RCW, whether or not the requirements of RCW ** 56.02.060 and *** 56.02.070 were satisfied, is validated and such districts shall be deemed to be legally formed.
[ 1988 c 162 s 8. Formerly RCW 56.02.080.]


Reviser's note: *(1) Chapter 56.04 RCW was repealed and/or recodified in its entirety by 1996 c 230, effective July 1, 1997.
**(2) RCW 56.02.060 was repealed by 1996 c 230 s 1702, effective July 1, 1997.
***(3) RCW 56.02.070 was recodified as RCW 57.02.045 pursuant to 1996 c 230 s 1701, effective July 1, 1997.

Sewer districtsValidation of prior mergers.

Each and all of the respective areas of land organized as a water district and heretofore attempted to be merged into a sewer district under chapter 148 of the Laws of 1969 [ex. sess.], and amendments thereto, and which have maintained their organization as part of a sewer district since the date of such attempted merger, are hereby validated and declared to be a proper merger of a water district into a sewer district. Such district shall have the respective boundaries set forth in their merger proceedings as shown by the official files of the legislative authority of the county in which such merged district is located. All debts, contracts, bonds, and other obligations heretofore executed in connection with or in pursuance of such attempted organization, and any and all assessments or levies and all other actions taken by such districts or by their respective officers acting under such attempted organization, are hereby declared legal and valid and of full force and effect. Such districts may hereafter exercise their powers only to the extent permitted by and in accordance with the provisions of *RCW 56.36.060, as now or hereafter amended.
[ 1981 c 45 s 8. Formerly RCW 56.36.070.]


*Reviser's note: RCW 56.36.060 was repealed by 1996 c 230 s 1702, effective July 1, 1997.
Legislative declaration"District" definedSeverability1981 c 45: See notes following RCW 36.93.090.