Chapter 47.08 RCW



HTMLPDF 47.08.010Control of allocated funds.
HTMLPDF 47.08.020State to match federal funds.
HTMLPDF 47.08.040Contracts with United States as to state highway property.
HTMLPDF 47.08.050Contracts with United StatesGovernor to execute instrument to the United States.
HTMLPDF 47.08.060Contracts with United StatesDisposal of funds from the United States.
HTMLPDF 47.08.070Cooperation in public works projects, urban public transportation systems.
HTMLPDF 47.08.080Funds when department is in charge of county road improvements.
HTMLPDF 47.08.090Funds when department is in charge of city street improvements.
HTMLPDF 47.08.100Illegal use of county or city road fundsProcedure to correct.
HTMLPDF 47.08.110Misuse of county or city road fundsGeneral penalty.
HTMLPDF 47.08.120Transportation equipment fund.
HTMLPDF 47.08.121Transportation equipment fund declared revolving fund of proprietary natureUse.
HTMLPDF 47.08.130Custody of federal fundsDisbursement.


Highway funds, constitutional limitations: State Constitution Art. 2 s 40 (Amendment 18).

Control of allocated funds.

Whenever there is provided an allocation for the construction or improvement of state highways, the allocation shall be under the sole charge and direct control of the department.
[ 1984 c 7 s 92; 1961 c 13 s 47.08.010. Prior: 1937 c 53 s 32, part; RRS s 6400-32, part.]

State to match federal funds.

For the construction, alteration, repair and improvement of state highways, county roads, or city and town streets in the state of Washington which are part of the public highway system, the good faith of the state of Washington is hereby pledged to make available funds sufficient to equal the sums appropriated to the state by or under the United States government during succeeding fiscal years and to use and expend the same within one year after the fiscal year for which appropriated, and in the manner and under the rules and regulations imposed by the secretary of commerce and to maintain, or cause to be maintained, the highways or roads constructed or improved with the aid of funds so appropriated, and to make adequate provisions for carrying out such maintenance.
[ 1961 c 13 s 47.08.020. Prior: 1937 c 53 s 46; RRS s 6400-46; 1917 c 76 s 3; RRS s 6846.]

Contracts with United States as to state highway property.

Whenever it is necessary or desirable for the federal government or any agency thereof to acquire an interest in or in any way damage any property or interest therein owned by the state of Washington and used in connection with any highway in the state of Washington in connection with any federal project for the development of any river within or partially within the state of Washington, the department is authorized, empowered, and directed to negotiate and enter into an agreement with the proper agency of the federal government as to the rights which shall be acquired, the compensation which shall be made therefor and the character of instruments by which the rights shall be conveyed, and as to any other matters which may be necessary in order to satisfy the requirements of the federal government. If the agreement is required to be reduced to writing, the writing shall be approved as to form by the attorney general of the state of Washington.

Contracts with United StatesGovernor to execute instrument to the United States.

Whenever the department has entered into an agreement under RCW 47.08.040 with the federal government or any agency thereof requiring the execution of any deed, flowage easement, or instrument of any nature, to the federal government or agency, and the instrument is approved as to form by the attorney general of the state of Washington, the governor of the state of Washington is authorized and directed without further authority and in the name of the state of Washington to execute and deliver to the proper agency of the federal government any such instrument or instruments which shall be, when attested by the secretary of state, binding upon the state of Washington.

Contracts with United StatesDisposal of funds from the United States.

Whenever any moneys shall be realized by the state of Washington as a result of any agreement authorized by RCW 47.08.040, the same shall be deposited in the treasury of the state of Washington to the credit of the motor vehicle fund, and shall be available for highway purposes only.

Cooperation in public works projects, urban public transportation systems.

When it appears to the department that any state highway will be benefited or improved by the construction of any public works project, including any urban public transportation system, within the state of Washington by any of the departments of the state of Washington, by the federal government, or by any agency, instrumentality, or municipal corporation of either the state of Washington or the United States, the department is authorized to enter into cooperative agreements with any such state department, with the United States, or with any agency, instrumentality, or municipal corporation of either the state of Washington or the United States, wherein the state of Washington, acting through the department, will participate in the cost of the public works project in such amount as may be determined by the department to be the value of the benefits or improvements to the particular state highway derived from the construction of the public works project. Under any such agreement the department may contribute to the cost of the public works project by making direct payment to the particular state department, federal government, or to any agency, instrumentality, or municipal corporation of either the state or the United States, or any combination thereof, which may be involved in the project, from any funds appropriated to the department and available for highway purposes, or by doing a portion of the project either by day labor or by contract, or in any other manner as may be deemed advisable and necessary by the department.
[ 1984 c 7 s 95; 1967 c 108 s 3; 1961 c 13 s 47.08.070. Prior: 1945 c 127 s 2; Rem. Supp. 1945 s 6400-121.]


Urban public transportation system defined: RCW 47.04.082.

Funds when department is in charge of county road improvements.

If any funds become available from the federal government or otherwise for expenditure in conjunction with county funds for the construction, alteration, repair, or improvement of any county road and the work is to be performed by the department, the state treasurer shall, upon notice from the department, set aside from any moneys in the motor vehicle fund credited to any such county, the cost thereof, together with the cost of engineering, supervision, and other proper items, or so much of the money in the state treasury to the credit of the county as may be necessary for use in conjunction with funds from the federal government to accomplish the work. The work shall then be performed by the department and paid from the money so set aside upon vouchers approved and submitted by the department in the same manner as payment is made for such work on state highways: PROVIDED, That the legislative authority of any such county shall have, by proper resolution, filed in duplicate in the office of the department and approved by it, determined the county road construction, alteration, repair, or improvement to be performed in such county and the same is found to conform in all respects to the requirements necessary for the use of such funds of the federal government.

Funds when department is in charge of city street improvements.

If any funds become available from the federal government or otherwise for expenditure in conjunction with funds accruing to any incorporated city or town for the construction, alteration, repair, or improvement of its city streets designated as forming a part of the route of any state highway through the incorporated city or town and the work is to be performed by the department, the state treasurer shall, upon notice from the department, set aside from any moneys in the motor vehicle fund credited to the incorporated city or town, the cost thereof or so much money in the state treasury to the credit of the incorporated city or town as may be necessary in conjunction with the funds from the federal government or otherwise to accomplish the work, the cost to be paid by the state treasurer from the money so set aside upon vouchers approved and submitted by the department in the same manner as payment is made for work on state highways. If any such incorporated city or town has agreed with the state of Washington or the federal government as a condition precedent to the acquiring of federal funds for construction on any city street of the incorporated city or town designated as forming a part of the route of any state highways, that the street will be maintained to a standard and the incorporated city or town fails to so maintain the city street, then the department may perform the maintenance, and the state treasurer is authorized to deduct the cost thereof from any funds credited or to be credited to the incorporated city or town and pay the same on vouchers approved and submitted by the department in the same manner as payment is made for work performed on state highways.

Illegal use of county or city road fundsProcedure to correct.

The department is authorized from time to time to investigate expenditures from the county road fund and the city street fund; and if it determines that unauthorized, illegal, or wrongful expenditures are being or have been made from the fund it is authorized to proceed as follows: If the county road fund is involved it shall notify in writing the county legislative authority and the county treasurer of its determination; and if the city street fund is involved it shall notify the city council or commission and the mayor and city treasurer of the city or town of its determination. In its determination the department is authorized to demand of those officials that the wrongful or illegal expenditures shall be stopped, adjusted, or remedied and that restitution of any wrongful or illegal diversion or use shall be made; and it may notify the officials that if the wrong is not stopped, remedied, or adjusted, or restitution made to its satisfaction within a specified period fixed by it, it will direct the withholding of further payments to the county or city from the motor vehicle fund. The county or city shall have ten days after the notice is given within which to correct or remedy the wrong, or wrongful and illegal practices, to make restitution, or to adjust the matter to the satisfaction of the department.
If no correction, remedy, adjustment, or restitution is made within ten days to the satisfaction of the department, it has power to request in writing that the state treasurer withhold further payments from the motor vehicle fund to the county or city; and it is the duty of the state treasurer upon being so notified to withhold further payments from the motor vehicle fund to the county or city involved until the officials are notified in writing by the department that payments may be resumed.
The department is also authorized to notify in writing the prosecuting attorney of the county in which the violation occurs of the facts, and it is the duty of the prosecuting attorney to file charges and to criminally prosecute any and all persons guilty of any such violation.
[ 1984 c 7 s 98; 1973 c 106 s 24; 1961 c 13 s 47.08.100. Prior: 1943 c 82 s 13, part; 1937 c 187 s 66, part; Rem. Supp. 1943 s 6450-66, part.]

Misuse of county or city road fundsGeneral penalty.

It shall be unlawful and a misdemeanor, unless the same is by this title or other law of this state declared to be a felony or gross misdemeanor, to divert or use, or authorize, permit or participate in the diversion or use of any moneys in the county road fund or in the city street fund for any other purpose or in any other manner than that authorized by law.
[ 1961 c 13 s 47.08.110. Prior: 1943 c 82 s 13, part; 1937 c 187 s 66, part; Rem. Supp. 1943 s 6450-66, part.]

Transportation equipment fund.

There is hereby created in the state treasury a state fund to be known as the "transportation equipment fund," the same to be used by the department of transportation as a revolving fund to be expended for salaries, wages and operations required for the repair, replacement, purchase and operation of equipment and for purchase of equipment, materials and supplies to be used as follows: (1) In the administration and operation of this fund; and (2) in the administration, maintenance and construction of highways and transportation facilities.
The transportation equipment fund shall be credited, in the case of equipment, with a reasonable rental assessed upon the use of such equipment by the various state departments, and in the case of materials and supplies, with a reasonable charge for such materials and supplies. Such credit for rental and charges for materials and supplies shall be charged against the proper appropriation therefor.
Equipment may be rented and materials and supplies may be sold out of this fund to any federal, state, county or city political subdivision or governmental agency. The terms and charges for such rental and the prices for such sale shall be solely within the discretion of the department of transportation and its determination of the charge for rental or sale price shall be considered a reasonable rental charge or a reasonable sale price. Any political subdivision or governmental agency shall make payment for such rental or for purchase of such materials or supplies directly to the transportation equipment fund at the office of the department of transportation at Olympia.
[ 1979 c 39 s 1; 1961 c 13 s 47.08.120. Prior: 1943 c 135 s 1; 1935 c 144 s 10; Rem. Supp. 1943 s 6600-1c.]

Transportation equipment fund declared revolving fund of proprietary natureUse.

The "highway equipment fund" as established by RCW 47.08.120 is declared to be a revolving fund of a proprietary nature and moneys that are or will be deposited in this fund are hereby authorized for expenditures for the purposes provided by law.

Custody of federal fundsDisbursement.

The state treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to receive and have custody of such funds and warrants drawn by the secretary of transportation or other authorized agent of the United States as are made available for payment by the secretary of the treasury of the United States under the provisions of the federal aid road act approved July 11, 1916, and all acts amendatory or supplementary thereto, disbursing the same under such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the secretary of transportation or by the secretary of the treasury or other authorized agent of the United States. The state treasurer is further authorized and directed to pay from the motor vehicle fund for the use of the department such funds as may be necessary upon any project in anticipation of reimbursement by the government of the United States.