How to comment on a bill
The Legislature has implemented a system designed to allow the public to send comments about bills to their legislators.
If you know the bill number
Go to the Bill Information page, enter the bill number in the Search by Bill Number field, then click Search.

The applicable Bill Summary Page appears. Click the Comment on this bill button to the right of the bill number, then complete the comment form.

Click the Subject radio button to view a list of categories. Navigate to the category that is closest to your bill's topic, then click Search.

Bills that are assigned to the selected category are listed within each topic.
Click the bill hyperlink to access the Bill Summary Page and view the information about the bill. If the link is bold-faced, the bill was passed into law.

Accessing Bill Comments From Other Reports
You may also access the Bill Summary Page from other legislative reports and pages. For instance, if you run a Bills by Sponsor or Bills In and Out of Committee report, click the bill number link to open the Bill Summary Page for any given bill.