Committee Sign In - Legislative Record

Complete the fields below and press submit to state your position on a bill without testifying.
Committee: Law & Justice
Date/Time: 1/20/2025 10:30:00 AM
Bill/Issue: SB 5093 Pregnancy loss
Location: Senate Hearing Rm 4 and Virtual
Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

This system is used as a roster to show who has registered and wishes to state their position on a bill. The information you provide will be made available to legislative committee members and staff of the committee, and will be included in the legislative record for bill and meeting archival purposes. Please ensure your information is accurate.

The roster is a legislative record maintained under chapter 40.14 RCW (Preservation and Destruction of Public Records) and subject to public disclosure under chapter 42.56 RCW (Public Records Act).

All panelists names must be added to this form before submitting. Panelist information cannot be changed once submitted.
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Use only your own email address
If you are testifying as an official representative on behalf of a particular organization, please specify:
By clicking 'Submit Registration', you acknowledge you have read and understand the information explaining the purpose of this form and that all of your information is accurate. After submitting, it may not be possible to make changes to your registered information.