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Instructions on how to connect to the meeting if testifying remotely: Instructions
Instructions on how to create your Legislative Account and edit your profile: Instructions
How to Register to Testify in a Committee Meeting
If you require an accommodation to testify at or attend a committee meeting, please refer to options on the Legislature’s Americans with Disabilities Act Information page.
- Choose the committee name and meeting date and time, then choose the bill for which you would like to testify.
- Testimony registration closes 1 hour before the start time of the meeting. Anyone who does not register before this deadline will be unable to testify before the committee.
- To testify in person: Choose “I would like to testify in person during the hearing.” Enter your registration information.
- To testify remotely: Choose “I would like to testify remotely.” Enter your registration information.
- All testifiers (in person or remote) are automatically sent a Zoom link for the meeting.
- Registration information is part of the legislative record.
How to State Your Position on a Bill Without Testifying
- Choose the committee and meeting date and time, then choose the bill for which you would like to register.
- Choose “I would like my position noted for the legislative record.” Registration will close 1 hour before the start time of the meeting.
- Enter your registration information. Your registered position will be made available to legislative members and staff of the committee, and will be included in the legislative record.
How to Submit Written Testimony
- Choose the committee name and meeting date and time, then choose the bill for which you would like to submit written testimony.
- Choose “I would like to submit written testimony.” This is available up to 24 hours after the start time of the meeting.
- Provide your written comments and/or attachments. Your comments will be made available to legislative members and staff of the committee, and will be included in the legislative record.
- Use a different email address for each testifier, including panels. Only one person per email address can enter the meeting.
- Registering to testify does not guarantee you a chance to speak. Time constraints, technical issues, changes to committee schedules, etc. could affect your ability to testify.
- Check your spam, junk, or other folders for the Zoom link.
- Search your inbox for the name of the committee for which you signed up to testify.
- Verify you are in the testifier list:
- Choose the committee and meeting date.
- Choose the bill for which you registered to testify.
- Below the table choose “See who signed in for this agenda item.”
- If you are not on the list, then you are not currently registered to testify and need to register again.
- If registration has closed, please submit written testimony.
If you require an accommodation to testify at or attend a committee meeting, please refer to options on the Legislature’s Americans with Disabilities Act Information page.
Spoken Language Interpretation
If you require spoken language interpretation to testify at or attend a committee meeting, please contact the ADA Coordinator in advance. The more advance notice you are able to provide, the higher likelihood that your request can be fulfilled.