SSB 5412 - Clarifying goals, objectives, and responsibilities of certain transportation agencies.
ESSB 5037 - Restricting the use of a wireless communications device while operating a moving motor vehicle.
SB 5272 - Modifying the administration of fuel taxes.
ESSB 6099 - Hiring a mediator to help the department of transportation develop a state route number 520 expansion impact plan. (REVISED FOR ENGROSSED: Addressing the state route number 520 bridge replacement and HOV project.) (REVISED FOR PASSED LEGISLATURE: Regarding the state route number 520 bridge replacement and HOV project.)
ESSB 6120 - Addressing rail and freight infrastructure. - NO ACTION
ESSB 5803 - Creating regional transportation commissions. - NO ACTION
SB 5134 - Authorizing police officers to impound vehicles operated by drivers without specially endorsed licenses.
SSB 5242 - Establishing an internship program for wounded combat veterans.
SB 5798 - Preserving the use of design-build construction on certain transportation projects.
SSCR 8405 - Providing for the study of legislative and financial issues regarding the Columbia River Crossing Project. - NO ACTION
SB 5208 - Regarding bond amounts for certain department of transportation highway construction contracts. - NO ACTION
SSB 5078 - Implementing rules for drivers when approaching stationary emergency, roadside assistance, and police vehicles on highways having less than four lanes.
SSB 5250 - Regarding the transfer of motor vehicle ownership.
SSB 5483 - Retaining the distribution of city hardship assistance program funds to cities and towns for street maintenance.
HB 2378 - Expediting new vessel construction for Washington state ferries.
E2SSB 5862 - Regarding passenger-only ferry service.
Bills previously heard in committee.