SB 5151 - Requiring the registration of commercial youth athletic coaches.
SB 5279 - Creating the children's environmental health and protection advisory council.
SB 5346 - Revising the accrual of interest on judgments entered against offenders.
SB 5454 - Addressing special needs transportation services provided by rural public utility districts.
SB 5563 - Providing backup for mental health professionals doing home visits.
SB 5589 - Addressing law enforcement officer and firefighter retirement system plan 2 retiree medical.
SB 5903 - Creating a cooperative agreement relating to the timber harvest excise taxation of timber harvests within the Quinault Indian Reservation.
SB 5905 - Concerning certificate of capital authorization.
SB 6081 - Regarding outdoor burning in small cities.
SB 6092 - Implementing weight-based taxation of moist snuff. - NO ACTION
SB 6110 - Creating the office of Washington state climatologist.
SB 6107 - Reviewing pipeline capacity and distribution in southwest Washington.
SB 5859 - Creating a spirits, beer, and wine nightlife liquor license and removing spirits, beer, and wine restaurant license limit.
SB 5967 - Concerning the sales of vehicles and associated services to nonresidents of Washington.
SB 5238 - Creating a public utility tax credit for eligible light and power businesses to encourage the reduction of methane emissions.
SB 5557 - Authorizing additional sales and use taxation by counties for economic development facilities.
SB 5616 - Creating health sciences and services authorities.
SB 6088 - Revising state trust land management policies.
SB 6044 - Regarding the removal of derelict vessels.
SB 5714 - Creating a pilot program of Spanish and Chinese language instruction.
SB 5843 - Regarding educational data and data systems.
SB 5995 - Providing for the role of the economic development commission in state government.
SB 5115 - Expanding competitive local infrastructure financing tools projects.
SB 5085 - Providing that transportation accounts receive one hundred percent of their proportionate share of earnings.
SB 5381 - Concerning dependent children.
SB 5321 - Addressing child welfare.
SB 5828 - Regarding early child development and learning.
SB 5470 - Revising provisions concerning dissolution proceedings.
SB 5467 - Creating the individual and family services program for people with developmental disabilities.
SB 5114 - Changing student transportation funding.
SB 5813 - Improving mathematics and science education.
SB 5841 - Enhancing student learning opportunities and achievement.
SB 5955 - Regarding educator preparation, professional development, and compensation.
SB 5528 - Requiring a review of the essential academic learning requirements in mathematics.
SB 5790 - Regarding skill centers.
SB 5187 - Exempting a portion of the valuation of residential property from property taxation.
SJR 8210 - Providing a homestead exemption from property taxation for principal residences.
SB 5597 - Concerning contracts with chiropractors.
SB 5768 - Concerning the excise taxation of electronically delivered financial information.
SB 5498 - Revising voter-approved funding sources for local taxing districts.
SB 5806 - Implementing Washington learns higher education recommendations.
SB 5533 - Revising procedures for individuals who are mentally ill and engaged in acts constituting criminal behavior.
SB 5098 - Creating the guaranteed opportunities scholarship.
SB 5155 - Creating the passport to college promise program.
SB 5097 - Changing requirements for safe school plans.
SB 5239 - Requiring implementation of a segmented mathematics alternative assessment.
SB 5143 - Authorizing additional land used for housing to qualify under the open space program.
SB 5493 - Modifying provisions relating to the excise taxation of forest products businesses.
SB 5930 - Providing high quality, affordable health care to Washingtonians based on the recommendations of the blue ribbon commission on health care costs and access.
SB 5712 - Revising provisions for the Washington state health insurance pool.
SB 5509 - Concerning disciplinary actions for health care providers regulated under chapter 18.130 RCW.
SB 5026 - Providing a sales and use tax exemption for recovered wood waste boiler equipment.
SB 5431 - Creating a public utility tax deduction for the transportation of agricultural commodities.
SB 5390 - Extending the sales and use tax credit for certain public facilities districts.
SB 5184 - Modifying sales and use tax provisions for public facilities districts.
SB 5440 - Modifying provisions relating to public facilities districts.
SB 5522 - Providing for the annexation of a portion of a rural county library district by a city, code city, or town.
SB 5572 - Providing excise tax relief for certain limited purpose public corporations, commissions, and authorities.
SB 5902 - Requiring additional state liquor stores to engage in Sunday sales.
SB 5224 - Concerning the statewide salmon recovery office.
SB 5883 - Concerning conversion of forest land to nonforestry uses.
SB 5455 - Creating the community revitalization partnership pilot program.
SB 6119 - Changing the distribution to and allocation of the fire service training account.
SB 5070 - Changing provisions affecting offenders who are leaving confinement.
SB 5092 - Revising provisions for contracts with associate development organizations for economic development services.
SB 5116 - Creating a public-private tourism partnership.
SB 5090 - Promoting innovation partnership zones.
SB 5586 - Encouraging the use of cleaner energy.
SB 5169 - Creating the Washington international relations foundation.
SB 5643 - Addressing children and families of incarcerated parents.
SB 5372 - Creating the Puget Sound partnership.
SB 5923 - Regarding aquatic invasive species enforcement and control.
SB 6117 - Regarding reclaimed water.
SB 6141 - Expanding provisions affecting forest health.
SB 5894 - Clarifying the regulatory authority for on-site sewage systems.
SB 6083 - Providing access to medical information for physicians.
SB 5659 - Establishing family and medical leave insurance.
SB 6016 - Concerning good cause reasons for failure to participate in WorkFirst program components.
SB 5320 - Creating an office of public guardianship as an independent agency of the judiciary.
SB 5653 - Authorizing the development of self-employment assistance programs.
SB 5980 - Notifying licensed nursing homes and boarding homes of offender status of residents or persons seeking admission.
SB 5958 - Creating innovative primary health care delivery.
SB 5862 - Addressing passenger-only ferry service funding.
SB 5009 - Exempting biodiesel fuel used for nonhighway farm use from sales and use tax.
SB 5568 - Extending the date when counties which have authorized facilities for agriculture promotion must allow a credit for city lodging taxes.
SB 5542 - Creating the heritage barn preservation program.
SB 5805 - Modifying provisions relating to the sales and use taxation of grain elevators.