Washington State Legislature

Committee Documents

Senate Financial Institutions & Insurance - 2/27/2007 10:00 AM

Senate Financial Institutions & Insurance - 2/27/2007 10:00 AM

Senate Financial Institutions & Insurance - 2/27/2007 10:00 AM

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Public Hearing
Executive Session
  • SB 5052 - Prohibiting interested third parties from processing insurance claims (Proposed Substitute) .
  • SB 5715 - Concerning persons selling, soliciting, or negotiating insurance (Proposed Substitute).
  • SB 5717 - Establishing a program of market conduct oversight within the office of the insurance commissioner (Proposed Substitute).
  • SB 5919 - Providing relief from retaliatory taxes on insurance premium taxes (Proposed Substitute).
  • SB 6024 - Assisting low-income persons to obtain affordable automobile liability insurance.
  • SB 6029 - Regulating interstate branching (Proposed Substitute).
  • SB 5632 - Meeting financial responsibility requirements for automobiles. - NO ACTION
  • SB 6091 - Addressing the time and date when posting credit card payments made in person. - NO ACTION