SSB 5381 - Concerning dependent children.
SSB 5930 - Providing high quality, affordable health care to Washingtonians based on the recommendations of the blue ribbon commission on health care costs and access.
SSB 5223 - Providing insurance coverage to dependent children.
SB 5658 - Establishing a health care reinsurance program for small businesses.
SSB 5712 - Revising provisions for the Washington state health insurance pool.
SSB 5665 - Establishing the state employee health program and a state employee health demonstration project.
SB 6119 - Changing the distribution to and allocation of the fire service training account.
SSB 5090 - Promoting innovation partnership zones.
SSB 5995 - Providing for the role of the economic development commission in state government.
SB 5553 - Enhancing the state's oil spill response program. - NOT HEARD
SSB 5115 - Expanding competitive local infrastructure financing tools projects.
SB 5843 - Regarding educational data and data systems.
SB 5864 - Creating kindergarten transition plans.
SSB 5287 - Using renewable resources and energy credits to meet electricity consumption targets.
SSB 6044 - Regarding the removal of derelict vessels.
SSB 5415 - Creating health advisory councils.
SSB 5714 - Creating a pilot program of Spanish and Chinese language instruction.
SSB 5085 - Providing that transportation accounts receive one hundred percent of their proportionate share of earnings.
SSB 5806 - Implementing Washington learns higher education recommendations.