Washington State Legislature

Committee Documents

Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education - 2/1/2007 10:00 AM

Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education - 2/1/2007 10:00 AM

Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education - 2/1/2007 10:00 AM

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Public Hearing
  • SB 5450 - Allowing students whose individualized education program continues beyond high school to participate in high school graduation ceremonies.
  • SB 5451 - Authorizing students who are covered by section 504 of the rehabilitation act of 1973 to obtain a certificate of individual achievement.
  • SB 5396 - Providing grants to recruit mathematics and special education teachers. (Public Hearing is on the Proposed Substitute.)
  • SB 5775 - Changing special education provisions (S- 0908).
Executive Session