SB 6175 - Concerning the regulation of surface mining. - NOT HEARD
SB 6581 - Regarding water resource management in the Columbia river basin. - NOT HEARD
SB 6165 - Providing collective bargaining for family child care providers. - NOT HEARD
SB 6630 - Protecting communities from individuals with behaviors that pose a threat of violence or sexual violence. - NOT HEARD
SB 6172 - Strengthening sex offender provisions. - NOT HEARD
SB 6319 - Changing provisions for sex offender registration. - NOT HEARD
SB 6460 - Increasing penalties for crimes committed with sexual motivation. - NOT HEARD
SB 6497 - Revising felony sentence ranges. - NOT HEARD
SB 6164 - Regulating cigarettes. - NOT HEARD
SB 6239 - Changing provisions relating to crimes. - NOT HEARD
SB 6341 - Including failure to secure a load in the first degree as a compensable crime under the crime victims' compensation program. - NOT HEARD
SB 6433 - Establishing the emergency management, preparedness, and assistance account. - NOT HEARD
SB 6502 - Creating a state wide automated victim information and notification system. - NOT HEARD
SB 6711 - Establishing a state wide on line business training and curriculum. - NOT HEARD
SB 6713 - Authorizing the development of assistance programs. - NOT HEARD
SB 6887 - Adding provisions regarding superior court juror fees. - NOT HEARD
SB 6234 - Creating the insurance fraud program. - NOT HEARD
SB 6464 - Expanding the baccalaureate degree program at , . - NOT HEARD
SB 6501 - Creating the Washington bio energy loan program. - NOT HEARD
SB 6780 - Creating a mathematics/science scholar high school diploma and scholarship. - NOT HEARD
SB 6436 - Transferring duties of the reconstituted state board of education. - NOT HEARD
SB 6438 - Modifying school district levy provisions. - NOT HEARD
SB 6475 - Authorizing alternative methods of assessment and appeal processes for the certificate of academic achievement. - NOT HEARD
SB 6605 - Regarding educational interpreters for students. - NOT HEARD
SB 6618 - Revising the high school assessment system. - NOT HEARD
SB 6130 - Requiring the public employees' benefits board to develop a health savings account option for employees. - NOT HEARD
SB 6873 - Allowing the state director of fire protection to refuse membership in the public employees' retirement system. - NOT HEARD