Washington State Legislature

Committee Documents

Senate Ways & Means - 1/23/2006 1:30 PM

Senate Ways & Means - 1/23/2006 1:30 PM

Senate Ways & Means - 1/23/2006 1:30 PM

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Public Hearing
  • SB 6446 - Setting contribution rates in the Washington state patrol retirement system.
  • SB 6447 - Addressing the law enforcement officers' and fire fighters' retirement system plan 1.
  • SB 6449 - Making changes to general provisions in the public safety employees' retirement system.
  • SB 6450 - Allowing vesting after five years of service in the defined benefit portion of the public employees' retirement system, the school employees' retirement system, and the teachers' retirement system plan 3.
  • SB 6453 - Establishing a one thousand dollar minimum monthly benefit for certain plan 1 members of the public employees' retirement system and certain plan 1 members of the teachers' retirement system.
  • SB 6454 - Providing annual increases in certain retirement allowances.
  • SB 6455 - Creating optional public retirement benefits for justices and judges.
  • SB 6457 - Permitting members of the public employees' retirement system, the teachers' retirement system, the school employees' retirement system, the public safety employees' retirement system, plan 1 of the law enforcement officers' and fire fighters' retirement system, and the Washington state patrol retirement system to make a one-time purchase of additional service credit.
  • SB 6458 - Purchasing service credit in plan 2 and plan 3 of the teachers' retirement system for public education experience performed as a teacher in a public school in another state or with the federal government.
  • SB 6702 - Authorizing bargaining for employee paid supplemental pension programs under chapter 41.80 RCW.