Washington State Legislature
Committee Documents
Senate Natural Resources, Ocean & Recreation 3/28/2005 1:30 PM
Senate Natural Resources, Ocean & Recreation 3/28/2005 1:30 PM
Senate Natural Resources, Ocean & Recreation 3/28/2005 1:30 PM
Executive Session
- SHB 1657 - Concerning the construction of bridges and trestles.
- SHB 1491 - Reorganizing aquatic lands statutes.
- SHB 1406 - Concerning specialized forest products.
- SHB 1313 - Requiring the parks and recreation commission to have a record check performed on certain job applicants. (REVISED FOR PASSED LEGISLATURE: Concerning background checks and fingerprint identification.)
- HB 1958 - Extending certain limited fisheries buyback programs.
- HB 1211 - Concerning a multiple season big game permit.
- EHB 1003 - Allowing off-road vehicles on nonhighway roads.
- E2SHB 1896 - Requiring a survey of geoducks and sea cucumbers that exist in Hood Canal. (REVISED FOR ENGROSSED: Studying geoducks in Hood Canal.)
Public Hearing
- ESHB 1631 - Using revenues under the county conservation futures levy. - NOT HEARD
- SHB 1210 - Providing for temporary combination fishing licenses. - NOT HEARD
- ESHB 1799 - Concerning park rangers employed by the parks and recreation commission. - NOT HEARD
- SHB 1413 - Expanding the criteria for habitat conservation programs. - NOT HEARD