HB 1269 - Permitting members of the law enforcement officers' and fire fighters' retirement system plan 2 to make a one-time purchase of additional service credit.
HB 1319 - Survivor benefits for ex spouses in the law enforcement officers' and fire fighters' retirement system, plan 1.
HB 1321 - Allowing members of the teachers' retirement system plan 1 who are employed less than full time as psychologists, social workers, nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, or speech language pathologists or audiologists to annualize their salaries when calculating their average final compensation.
HB 1323 - Changing the membership of the executive committee of the select committee on pension policy.
HB 1325 - Authorizing interruptive military service credit.
HB 1327 - Permitting members of the teachers' retirement system plan 2 and plan 3 who qualify for early retirement or alternate early retirement to make a one-time purchase of additional service credit.
HB 1328 - Establishing the composition and jurisdiction of city and county disability boards.
HB 1329 - Choosing a reduced retirement allowance under the law enforcement officers' and fire fighters' retirement system, plan 1.
HB 1330 - Making technical corrections in the general retirement provisions estoppel section, teachers' retirement system, public safety employees' retirement system, the school employees' retirement system, the public employees' retirement system, and the actuarial funding chapter.
SHB 1634 - Allowing terminally ill members to remove themselves from their retirement plan.
ESHB 1031 - Providing long-term funding for problem gambling.
SB 5665 - Requiring workers to report accidents.
HB 1315 - Authorizing the disclosure of information related to real estate excise taxes. (REVISED FOR PASSED LEGISLATURE: Modifying disclosure requirements for the purposes of the real estate excise tax.)
HB 1690 - Regarding the applicability of certain taxes and assessments to state funded health care services.
SHB 1791 - Creating a developmental disabilities community trust account.
HB 2170 - Concerning proceeds from the real estate excise tax.
HB 2282 - Addressing the costs of transporting offender property.
SHB 1299 - Repealing outdated and unused tax preferences.
SHB 1938 - Addressing the employment and retirement rights of members of the armed forces called to active duty.
HB 1286 - Creating the medical flexible spending account. - NO ACTION