Washington State Legislature

Committee Documents

Senate Ways & Means - 2/28/2005 1:30 PM

Senate Ways & Means - 2/28/2005 1:30 PM

Senate Ways & Means - 2/28/2005 1:30 PM

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Public Hearing
  • SB 5512 - Permitting members of the teachers' retirement system plan 2 and plan 3 who qualify for early retirement or alternate early retirement to make a one-time purchase of additional service credit. - NOT HEARD
  • SB 5514 - Choosing a reduced retirement allowance under the law enforcement officers' and fire fighters' retirement system, plan 1. - NOT HEARD
  • SB 5247 - Survivor benefits for ex spouses in the law enforcement officers' and fire fighters' retirement system, plan 1. - NOT HEARD
  • SB 5616 - Permitting members of the law enforcement officers' and fire fighters' retirement system plan 2 to make a one-time purchase of additional service credit. - NOT HEARD
  • SB 5827 - Concerning capital projects lists for certain nonprofit organizations. - NOT HEARD
  • SB 5320 - Authorizing the certification of corrections officers. - NOT HEARD
  • SB 5790 - Modifying motor vehicle taxation. - NOT HEARD
  • SB 5663 - Changing the tax exemptions for machinery and equipment used to reduce agricultural burning. - NOT HEARD
  • SB 5993 - Providing additional funding for crime victims' compensation. - NOT HEARD
Executive Session