Washington State Legislature
Committee Documents
House Capital Budget 3/3/2005 8:00 AM
House Capital Budget 3/3/2005 8:00 AM
House Capital Budget 3/3/2005 8:00 AM
Public Hearing
- HB 2180 - Issuing bonds for outdoor recreation purposes. - NOT HEARD
- HB 2180 Text
- Bill History
- OPR - Agenda: CB 3-3-05 (46k)
- HB 2188 - Funding the conservation of the state art collection. - NOT HEARD
- HB 1701 - Transferring certain common school trust land. - NOT HEARD
- HB 1998 - Creating the apple award program. - NOT HEARD
- EHB 1998 Text
- Bill History
- OPR - Agenda: CB 3-4-05 (46k)
- HB 1074 - Increasing the administrative cap on the housing assistance program and the affordable housing program. - NOT HEARD
Possible Executive Session
- HB 1461 - Changing conservation assistance revolving account provisions.
- HB 1457 - Creating the military department capital account and rental and lease account.
- HB 1493 - Allowing certain state-owned filled tidelands and shorelands to be designated as aquatic investment properties. - NO ACTION
- HB 1547 - Expanding programs eligible for housing assistance grants and loans. - NO ACTION
- HB 1547 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 1547 AMH (51k)