Washington State Legislature
Committee Documents
House Commerce & Labor 1/15/2004 1:30 PM
House Commerce & Labor 1/15/2004 1:30 PM
House Commerce & Labor 1/15/2004 1:30 PM
Work Session
- Report on current labor market conditions and extended unemployment benefits.
Public Hearing
- HB 1821 - Regulating sweepstakes. - NOT HEARD
- HB 2154 - Making spinal cord stimulators and drug infusion pumps available to injured workers. - NOT HEARD
- HJM 4031 - Urges Congress to extend the temporary extended unemployment compensation program.
Possible Executive Session
- EHB 1369 - Requiring continuing education for land surveyors.
- HB 1667 - Clarifying local government land use and zoning powers over gambling activities. - NO ACTION
- HJM 4031 - Urging extension of temporary extended unemployment compensation.