Washington State Legislature
Committee Documents
Senate govenment 3/27/2003 1:30 PM
Senate govenment 3/27/2003 1:30 PM
Senate govenment 3/27/2003 1:30 PM
Work Session
- Columbia Basin Ground Water Management Area activities.
Public Hearing
- HB 1435 - Concerning the fruit and vegetable district fund.
- HJM 4018 - Requesting Congress to enter trade agreements that are more fair to domestic agricultural businesses. - NOT HEARD
- SHB 1269 - Regulating structural pest inspectors.
- HB 1318 - Allowing the state board of health to reference the United States food and drug administration's food code for the purpose of adopting food service rules.
- HB 1361 - Increasing the powers of the state agricultural commodity commissions. - NOT HEARD
Executive Session
- EHB 2140 - Reaffirming the role of the state conservation commission.
- HB 1435 - Concerning the fruit and vegetable district fund.
- HB 1318 - Allowing the state board of health to reference the United States food and drug administration's food code for the purpose of adopting food service rules.
- SHB 1100 - Regulating the sale, processing, or purchase of agricultural products.
- ESHB 1754 - Concerning the slaughter, preparation, and sale of certain poultry.
- SHB 1269 - Regulating structural pest inspectors.