SB 5769 - Addressing transition to kindergarten programs. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5772 - Calculating student enrollment for local effort assistance. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5155 - Extending a program to streamline the environmental permitting process for salmon recovery projects. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5171 - Concerning livestock damage due to wolf predation. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5450 - Increasing transparency regarding sewage-containing spills. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5322 - Addressing the impacts of burrowing shrimp on bottom culture shellfish farming through integrated pest management research. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5117 - Protecting agriculture. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5703 - Concerning fair treatment of municipal solid waste systems. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5396 - Supporting the continued employment of individuals applying for federal aviation administration medical certificates. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5626 - Creating a wage replacement program for certain Washington workers excluded from unemployment insurance. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5548 - Concerning workers' compensation benefits. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5394 - Reducing the developmental disabilities administration's no-paid services caseload services. (Hearing is on the Proposed Substitute.) (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5344 - Establishing the essential worker health care program. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5387 - Concerning the corporate practice of health care. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5335 - Establishing the rural nursing education program. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5762 - Increasing the statewide 988 behavioral health crisis response and suicide prevention line tax. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5395 - Making improvements to transparency and accountability in the prior authorization determination process. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5504 - Supporting caregivers who provide complex care services to children with heightened medical needs. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5764 - Repealing the expiration date for the ambulance transport fund. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5651 - Concerning exemptions from garnishment. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5392 - Concerning budget stabilization account transfers. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5441 - Concerning accounts. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5708 - Protecting Washington children online. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5496 - Preserving homeownership options by limiting excessive home buying by certain entities. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5066 - Concerning law enforcement and local corrections agency misconduct through investigations and legal actions. (Hearing is on the Proposed Substitute.) (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5587 - Concerning affordable housing development in counties not closing the gap between estimated existing housing units within the county and existing housing needs. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5362 - Concerning victims of crime act funding. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5332 - Concerning mobile dwellings. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5613 - Concerning the development of clear and objective standards, conditions, and procedures for residential development. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5686 - Expanding and funding the foreclosure mediation program. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5659 - Eliminating each local government's proportional share of Washington's housing shortage. (Remote Testimony Available).