SB 5768 - Expanding eligibility for the working families' tax credit to everyone age 18 and older. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5771 - Increasing the working families' tax credit to reflect the economic impact of property taxes incorporated into rental amounts charged to residential tenants. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5368 - Studying taxes and fees related to alcohol. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5770 - Providing housing safety, security, and protection by creating the primary residence property tax exemption. (Remote Testimony Available).
SJR 8203 - Amending the Constitution to allow for a property tax exemption for a principal place of residence. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5748 - Incentivizing the substantial reduction or elimination of impact fees. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5576 - Providing state funding for essential affordable housing programs. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5601 - Advancing the production and use of alternative jet fuels in Washington. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5775 - Expanding local taxing authority to fund public safety and community protection focused programs and services. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5745 - Concerning legal representation under the involuntary treatment act. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5606 - Providing sufficient funding for the Washington state long-term care ombuds program. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5491 - Establishing a prescribed fire claims fund pilot program. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5694 - Establishing a statewide boiler operator certification. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5390 - Updating the cost of the discover pass and day-use permits. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5583 - Concerning recreational fishing and hunting licenses. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5653 - Concerning collective bargaining by fish and wildlife officers. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5422 - Allowing bargaining over matters related to certain uses of artificial intelligence. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5752 - Modifying child care and early childhood development programs. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5761 - Developing a schedule for court appointment of attorneys for children and youth in dependency and termination proceedings. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5292 - Concerning paid family and medical leave rates. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5041 - Concerning unemployment insurance benefits for striking or lockout workers. (Remote Testimony Available).