Washington State Legislature
Committee Documents
House State Government & Tribal Relations 2/19/2025 1:30 PM
House State Government & Tribal Relations 2/19/2025 1:30 PM
House State Government & Tribal Relations 2/19/2025 1:30 PM
- Agenda (110k)
Public Hearing
- HB 1949 - Exempting certain scholarly communications from disclosure under the public records act. (Remote Testimony Available).
Executive Session
- HB 1782 - Amending the timeline for reporting campaign contributions and expenditures.
- Bill Analysis (6k)
- HB 1782 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Fiscal Note
- 1782 FN (88k)
- HB 1934 - Concerning the disclosure of information pertaining to complainants, accusers, and witnesses in an employment investigation.