SGA 9104 - Tracy Stanley, Member, State Investment Board.
SB 5130 - Eliminating child care licensing fees. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5062 - Establishing a child care workforce standards board. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5211 - Authorizing payment for parental caregivers of minor children with developmental disabilities. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5648 - Encouraging achieving a better life experience accounts. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5361 - Delaying the use of the ASAM 4 criteria, treatment criteria for addictive, substance related, and co-occurring conditions. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 5064 - Creating an advisory council on rare diseases. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5304 - Expanding eligibility for the students experiencing homelessness and foster youth program to an accredited tribal college. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5334 - Adding the department of natural resources' civil enforcement decisions under RCW 76.04.205 to appeals that may be heard by the pollution control hearings board. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5234 - Concerning snowmobile registration fees. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5109 - Concerning the mortgage lending fraud prosecution account. (Remote Testimony Available).