2ESHB 1282 - Requiring environmental and labor reporting for public building construction and renovation material.
2SHB 1391 - Concerning energy in buildings.
E3SHB 1433 - Concerning energy labeling of residential buildings.
2SHB 1551 - Reducing lead in cookware.
ESHB 2207 - Providing tools designed to reduce the impacts of unlawful solid waste dumping.
ESHB 2039 - Modifying the appeals process for environmental and land use matters.
EHB 2199 - Creating business and occupation and public utility tax exemptions for certain amounts received as the result of receipt, generation, purchase, sale, transfer, or retirement of allowances, offset credits, or price ceiling units under the climate commitment act.
SGA 9194 - Kate Dean, Member, Puget Sound Partnership Leadership Council.
SGA 9243 - Victoria C Christiansen, Member, Puget Sound Partnership Leadership Council.
SGA 9305 - Dennis J McLerran, Chair, Puget Sound Partnership Leadership Council.
SGA 9387 - David Herrera, Member, Puget Sound Partnership Leadership Council.