SSB 6316 - Concerning the state route number 520 corridor. (Remote Testimony Available).
E2SHB 2301 - Improving the outcomes associated with waste material management systems, including products affecting organic material management systems. (Remote Testimony Available).
E2SHB 2401 - Providing for the responsible management of refrigerant gases with a higher global warming potential than carbon dioxide that are used in appliances or other infrastructure. (Remote Testimony Available).
E2SHB 1899 - Facilitating reconstruction of communities damaged or destroyed by wildfires. (Remote Testimony Available).
2SHB 1391 - Concerning energy in buildings. (Remote Testimony Available).
2SHB 1551 - Reducing lead in cookware. (Remote Testimony Available).
ESHB 2207 - Providing tools designed to reduce the impacts of unlawful solid waste dumping. (Remote Testimony Available).
2ESHB 1282 - Requiring environmental and labor reporting for public building construction and renovation material. (Remote Testimony Available).
E2SHB 2160 - Promoting community and transit-oriented housing development. (Remote Testimony Available).
2ESHB 1377 - Posting of approved courses and providers of continuing education. (Remote Testimony Available).
SHB 1044 - Providing capital financial assistance to small school districts with demonstrated funding challenges. (Remote Testimony Available).
ESHB 2236 - Expanding and strengthening career and technical education core plus programs. (Remote Testimony Available).
E2SHB 1692 - Creating student advisory groups. (Remote Testimony Available).
ESHB 2494 - Increasing state funding for operating costs in schools. (Remote Testimony Available).
3SHB 1228 - Building a multilingual, multiliterate Washington through dual and tribal language education. (Remote Testimony Available).
ESHB 1248 - Concerning pupil transportation. (Remote Testimony Available).
E2SHB 1368 - Requiring and funding the purchase of zero emission school buses. (Remote Testimony Available).
SHB 2180 - Increasing the special education enrollment funding cap. (Remote Testimony Available).
E4SHB 1239 - Establishing a simple and uniform system for complaints related to, and instituting a code of educator ethics for, conduct within or involving public elementary and secondary schools. (Remote Testimony Available).
SHB 2020 - Creating a state administered public infrastructure assistance program within the emergency management division. (Remote Testimony Available).
HB 1946 - Creating the Washington health corps behavioral health scholarship program. (Remote Testimony Available).
ESHB 2019 - Establishing a Native American apprentice assistance program. (Remote Testimony Available).
2SHB 2112 - Concerning opioid and fentanyl prevention education and awareness at institutions of higher education. (Remote Testimony Available).
HB 1943 - Modifying the Washington national guard postsecondary education grant program. (Remote Testimony Available).
2SHB 2214 - Permitting beneficiaries of public assistance programs to automatically qualify as income-eligible for the purpose of receiving the Washington college grant. (Remote Testimony Available).
ESHB 2441 - Establishing a pilot program eliminating college in the high school fees for private not-for-profit four-year institutions. (Remote Testimony Available).
E2SHB 1956 - Addressing fentanyl and other substance use prevention education. (Remote Testimony Available).
2SHB 2124 - Supporting and expanding access to child care and early learning programs. (Remote Testimony Available).
ESHB 1652 - Concerning child support pass through. (Remote Testimony Available).
SHB 1970 - Improving communication between the department of children, youth, and families and caregivers. (Remote Testimony Available).
SHB 1916 - Concerning funding for the early support for infants and toddlers program. (Remote Testimony Available).
2SHB 2014 - Concerning the definition of veteran and restoring honor to veterans. (Remote Testimony Available).
HB 1976 - Changing the incentive structure for tier 1 and tier 2 buildings. (Remote Testimony Available).
2EHB 1757 - Providing a sales and use tax remittance to qualified farmers. (Remote Testimony Available).
EHB 2199 - Creating business and occupation and public utility tax exemptions for certain amounts received as the result of receipt, generation, purchase, sale, transfer, or retirement of allowances, offset credits, or price ceiling units under the climate commitment act. (Remote Testimony Available).
ESHB 1493 - Concerning impaired driving. (Remote Testimony Available).
E2SHB 2099 - Concerning state identification cards for persons in state custody or care. (Remote Testimony Available).