SSB 5802 - Providing flexibility in calculation of nursing rates. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 5881 - Concerning membership in the public employees' retirement system for certain part-time bus drivers employed full-time by the federal government. (Remote Testimony Available).
2SSB 5882 - Increasing prototypical school staffing to better meet student needs. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 6080 - Simplifying the funding provisions of the statewide tourism marketing account. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 6094 - Aligning statutory language concerning the retired state employee and retired or disabled school employee health insurance subsidy with the historical interpretation and implementation of the relevant subsidy language in the operating budget. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 6100 - Making expenditures from the budget stabilization account for declared catastrophic events. (Remote Testimony Available).
SSB 6197 - Concerning the law enforcement officers' and firefighters' retirement system plan 2. (Remote Testimony Available).
SB 6308 - Extending timelines for implementation of the 988 system. (Remote Testimony Available).
HB 2476 - Creating a covered lives assessment professional services rate account. (Remote Testimony Available).