Washington State Legislature
Committee Documents
House Appropriations 1/25/2024 4:00 PM
House Appropriations 1/25/2024 4:00 PM
House Appropriations 1/25/2024 4:00 PM
- Agenda (118k)
Possible Executive Session
- HB 1985 - Providing a benefit increase to certain retirees of the public employees' retirement system plan 1 and the teachers' retirement system plan 1.
- Bill Analysis (8k)
- HB 1985 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Fiscal Note
- 1985 FN-Final 01/15/24 (556k)
- HB 2013 - Paying state retirement benefits until the end of the month in which the retiree or beneficiary dies. - NO ACTION
- Bill Analysis (6k)
- HB 2013 Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 2013 FN-Final 01/15/24 (576k)
- HB 2170 - Making expenditures from the budget stabilization account for declared catastrophic events.
- Bill Analysis (6k)
- HB 2170 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
Public Hearing
- SHB 1078 - Concerning urban forest management ordinances. (Remote Testimony Available).
- Bill Report: 1078 HBR LG 23 (13k)
- HB 1078 Text
- SHB 1078 Text
- 2SHB 1078 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 1078 P2SHB H-2749.1 (1) (2089k)
- Fiscal Note
- 1078 P2SHB H-2749.1 FN Preliminary (299k)
- 1078 FN (2023) (410k)
- 1078-S FN (2023) (407k)
- SHB 1531 - Promoting economic development of the aerospace industry through a committee empowered to advise on industry issues other than the siting of commercial airports. (Remote Testimony Available).
- Bill Report: 1531 HBR ICEV 23 (9k)
- HB 1531 Text
- SHB 1531 Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 1531 HB FN (2023) (866k)
- HB 1969 - Expanding the definition of family member for individual providers. (Remote Testimony Available).
- Bill Report: 1969 HBR HCW 24 (10k)
- HB 1969 Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 1969 FN Revised (276k)
- SHB 2000 - Renewing Washington's international leadership. (Remote Testimony Available).
- Bill Report: 2000 HBR SGOV 24 (12k)
- HB 2000 Text
- SHB 2000 Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 2000 FN (455k)
- SHB 1075 - Expanding eligibility for the working families' tax credit to everyone age 18 and older. (Remote Testimony Available).
- Bill Report: 1075 HBR FIN 23 (11k)
- HB 1075 Text
- SHB 1075 Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 1075-S FN (318k)