Washington State Legislature
Committee Documents
Senate Human Services 1/18/2024 8:00 AM
Senate Human Services 1/18/2024 8:00 AM
Senate Human Services 1/18/2024 8:00 AM
- Agenda (126k)
Public Hearing
- SB 5943 - Developing a resource data tool to connect Washington residents to services and resources. (Remote Testimony Available).
- SB 6109 - Supporting children and families. (Remote Testimony Available).
- SB 6126 - Increasing access to respite care for those with intellectual or developmental disabilities and their caregivers. (Remote Testimony Available).
- SB 6186 - Concerning disclosure of certain recipient locations to the Washington state patrol. (Remote Testimony Available). - NOT HEARD
Executive Session
- SB 5805 - Developing a schedule for court appointment of attorneys for children and youth in dependency and termination proceedings.
- Bill Report: 5805 SBR HS TA 24 (8k)
- Bill Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 5805 SB FN Partial 01.11.24 (715k)
- SB 5888 - Concerning statewide health care coordination and communication regarding individuals housed in confinement settings.
- Bill Report: 5888 SBR HS TA 24 (12k)
- Bill Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Fiscal Note
- 5888 FN Final 01.16.24 (884k)
- SB 5889 - Establishing the customer voice council.
- SB 5893 - Providing gate money to individuals releasing from custody prior to the expiration of their sentence.
- Bill Report: 5893 SBR HS TA 24 (12k)
- Bill Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Fiscal Note
- SB 5908 - Providing extended foster care services to youth ages 18 to 21.
- Bill Report: 5908 SBR HS TA 24 (11k)
- Bill Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- SB 5912 - Concerning reentry services and supports.
- Bill Report: 5912 SBR HS TA 24 (11k)
- Bill Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- SB 5974 - Concerning the disposition of unenforceable legal financial obligations other than restitution imposed by a court or an agent of the court against a juvenile prior to July 1, 2023.
- Bill Report: 5974 SBR HS TA 24 (9k)
- Bill Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- SB 5981 - Concerning the indeterminate sentence review board.
- SB 6021 - Reducing fees and expenses for services for people confined to correctional facilities.
- Bill Report: 6021 SBR HS TA 24 (13k)
- Bill Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- SB 6042 - Concerning services and procedures for juveniles releasing from juvenile detention facilities. - NO ACTION
- SB 6063 - Modifying the definition of persistent offender to exclude convictions for offenses committed by someone under the age of 18 and providing for resentencing.
- Bill Report: 6063 SBR HS TA 24 (12k)
- Bill Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 6063 FN Partial 01.16.24 (540k)