Washington State Legislature
Committee Documents
Senate Transportation 1/9/2024 4:00 PM
Senate Transportation 1/9/2024 4:00 PM
Senate Transportation 1/9/2024 4:00 PM
- Agenda (123k)
Work Session
- Overview of Governor’s proposed 2024 transportation budget - Office of Financial Management (OFM).
- Non SCS
Public Hearing
- SB 5791 - Concerning the evaluation of the effectiveness of oral fluid roadside information in the enforcement of driving under the influence laws. (Remote Testimony Available).
- SB 5800 - Improving access to department of licensing issued documents by clarifying the application requirements for a minor, modifying the requirements for at-cost identicards, and studying the feasibility of reduced-fee identicards. (Remote Testimony Available).
- Bill Report: 5800 SBA TRAN 24 (8k)
- Bill Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 5800 SB FN - Final 01.04.24 (1122k)
- SB 5947 - Making supplemental transportation appropriations for the 2023-2025 fiscal biennium. (Remote Testimony Available).