Washington State Legislature
Committee Documents
Senate Transportation 2/20/2023 1:30 PM
Senate Transportation 2/20/2023 1:30 PM
Senate Transportation 2/20/2023 1:30 PM
- Agenda (123k)
Public Hearing
- SB 5735 - Concerning notice to active duty military owners of impounded vehicles. (Remote Testimony Available).
- Bill Report: 5735 SBA TRAN 23 (7k)
- Bill Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 5735 SB FN - Finla 02.18.23 (489k)
- SB 5738 - Creating the LeMay-America's Car Museum special license plate. (Remote Testimony Available).
- Bill Report: 5738 SBA TRAN 23 (7k)
- Bill Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 5738 SB FN - Final 02.15.23 (489k)
- SB 5742 - Codifying certain existing grant programs at the department of transportation. (Remote Testimony Available).
- SB 5743 - Making certain nonsubstantive, corrective changes resulting from enactment of chapter 182, Laws of 2022 (transportation resources). (Remote Testimony Available).
- SSB 5412 - Reducing local governments' land use permitting workloads. (Remote Testimony Available).
- Bill Report: 5412 SBA TRAN 23 (14k)
- Bill Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 5412 SSB FN - Final 02.20.23 (708k)
- SB 5652 - Addressing compensation for tow truck operators for keeping the public roadways clear. (Remote Testimony Available).