Washington State Legislature
Committee Documents
House Technology, Economic Development, & Veterans 1/20/2023 10:30 AM
House Technology, Economic Development, & Veterans 1/20/2023 10:30 AM
House Technology, Economic Development, & Veterans 1/20/2023 10:30 AM
- Agenda (140k)
Work Session
- Broadband Updates.
- Non OPR
Executive Session
- HB 1231 - Accelerating rural job growth and promoting economic recovery across Washington through site readiness grants.
- Bill Analysis (6k)
- HB 1231 Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 1231 FN (258k)
- HB 1258 - Increasing tourism to Washington state through enhancement of the statewide tourism marketing account and changing necessary match requirements.
- Bill Analysis (8k)
- HB 1258 Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 1258 FN-Draft (56k)
- 1258 FN-Preliminary (288k)