Washington State Legislature
Committee Documents
House Children, Youth & Families 12/1/2022 1:30 PM
House Children, Youth & Families 12/1/2022 1:30 PM
House Children, Youth & Families 12/1/2022 1:30 PM
- Agenda (116k)
Work Session
- Early learning workforce issues including: (1) the impacts of the workforce shortage; and (2) efforts to recruit, train, and retain staff.
- Non OPR
- ECEAP Workforce Concerns 2022 (1048k)
- Early Educator Design Team (226k)
- DCYF - Early Learning Workforce (619k)
- SBCTC - Early Achievers Grant (315k)
- Imagine Institute - Improvement Efforts (1925k)
- NSC - Improvement Efforts (447k)
- TPS - Building a Pipeline to the Future of Work (2762k)
- Non OPR