Washington State Legislature
Committee Documents
House Transportation 2/11/2021 3:30 PM
House Transportation 2/11/2021 3:30 PM
House Transportation 2/11/2021 3:30 PM
- Agenda (117k)
Public Hearing
- HB 1284 - Addressing voter-approved fuel tax rates in border area jurisdictions. (Remote testimony.)
- Bill Analysis (6k)
- HB 1284 Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 1284 FN Revised (346k)
Executive Session
- HB 1039 - Reporting on, updating, and expanding deployment of existing government programs that provide education on bicycle and pedestrian travel. - NO ACTION
- Bill Analysis (9k)
- HB 1039 Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 1039 FN Preliminary 02/04/21 (609k)
- 1039 FN Preliminary 2/10/21 (725k)
- HB 1107 - Expanding certain nonresident vessel permit provisions.
- Bill Analysis (9k)
- HB 1107 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Fiscal Note
- 1107 FN 01/25/21 (1481k)
- HB 1269 - Addressing motor vehicle transporter license plates.
- Bill Analysis (7k)
- HB 1269 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Fiscal Note
- 1269 FN 02/08/21 (1083k)
- HB 1301 - Providing expanded options for fare enforcement by regional transit authorities. - NO ACTION
- Bill Analysis (6k)
- HB 1301 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 1301 PSHB (H-0805.1-21) 02/08/21 (161k)
- 1301-PS AMH TR MUNN 760 (62k)
- 1301-PS AMH TR MUNN 759 (62k)
- Fiscal Note
- 1301 FN 02/08/21 (189k)
- HB 1322 - Addressing off-road vehicle and snowmobile registration enforcement. - NO ACTION
- Bill Analysis (11k)
- HB 1322 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 1322 AMH TR MATM 588 (57k)
- 1322 AMH TR MATM 590 (67k)
- 1322 AMH TR MATM 589 (66k)
- Fiscal Note
- 1322 FN (1317k)