Washington State Legislature
Committee Documents
House Finance 4/5/2019 9:00 AM
House Finance 4/5/2019 9:00 AM
House Finance 4/5/2019 9:00 AM
- Agenda (18k)
Public Hearing
- HB 2122 - Imposing a sales and use tax on recreational equipment and apparel to provide funding to the state wildlife account.
- Bill Analysis (79k)
- HB 2122 Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 2122-3 HB FiscalNote (60k)
- HB 2148 - Providing a tax preference for rural and nonrural data centers.
- SHB 2042 - Advancing green transportation adoption.
- Bill Report: 2042 HBR TR 19 (152k)
- HB 2042 Text
- SHB 2042 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 2042 S AMH FIN H-2717.4 (68k)
- Fiscal Note
- 2042 preliminary HB FN (1424k)
- SSB 5668 - Concerning taxation of abandoned vehicles sold at auctions conducted by registered tow truck operators.
- Bill Analysis (83k)
- SSB 5668 Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 5668 SSB FN final (283k)
Possible Executive Session
- HB 2156 - Investing in quality prekindergarten, K-12, and postsecondary opportunities throughout Washington with excise taxes on sales and extraordinary profits of high valued assets. - NO ACTION
- Bill Analysis (98k)
- HB 2156 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 2156 AMH FIN H-2755.1 (56k)
- 2156 AMH FIN GEIG 110 (118k)
- 2156 AMH FIN GEIG 108 (120k)
- 2156 PSHB H-2741.1 (154k)
- 2156 PS AMH FIN H-2756.1 (57k)
- 2156-PS AMH FIN GEIG 115 (119k)
- 2156-PS AMH FIN GEIG 109 (121k)
- Fiscal Note
- 2156 draft FN H2741-1 (286k)
- HB 2157 - Updating the Washington tax structure to address the needs of Washingtonians. - NO ACTION
- Bill Analysis (107k)
- HB 2157 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 2157 AMH FIN GEIG 113 (122k)
- 2157 AMH FIN H-2658.1 (61k)
- 2157 AMH FIN H-2661.1 (61k)
- 2157 AMH FIN H-2660.1 (46k)
- 2157 AMH FIN H-2772.1 (65k)
- 2157 AMH FIN HARA 144 (47k)
- 2157 AMH FIN GEIG 111 (12k)
- 2157 AMH FIN H-2654.1 (48k)
- 2157 AMH FIN GEIG 114 (115k)
- 2157 AMH FIN GEIG 112 (12k)
- 2157 AMH FIN H-2770.1 (63k)
- 2157 AMH FIN H-2764.2 (61k)
- Fiscal Note
- 2157 AMH FIN H-2660.1 (46k)
- HB 2158 - Creating a workforce education investment to train Washington students for Washington jobs. - NO ACTION
- Bill Analysis (103k)
- HB 2158 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 2158 AMH FIN H-2746.1 (59k)
- 2158 AMH FIN MULV 269 (135k)
- 2158 AMH FIN HARA 148 (56k)
- 2158 AMH FIN MULV 266 (121k)
- 2158 AMH FIN HARA 137 (123k)
- 2158 AMH FIN H-2694.3 (49k)
- 2158 AMH FIN HARA 132 (25k)
- 2158 AMH FIN HARA 135 (32k)
- 2158 AMH FIN HARA 146 (35k)
- 2158 AMH FIN HARA 152 (30k)
- 2158 AMH FIN HARA 149 (29k)
- 2158 PSHB _H2633.1 (452k)
- 2158 PS AMH FIN H-2752.1 (59k)
- 2158-PS AMH FIN MULV 270 (136k)
- 2158 PS AMH FIN HARA 147 (56k)
- 2158-PS AMH FIN MULV 268 (122k)
- 2158-PS AMH FIN HARA 138 (123k)
- 2158 PS AMH FIN H-2695.3 (50k)
- 2158 PS AMH FIN HARA 134 (27k)
- 2158 PS AMH FIN HARA 136 (33k)
- 2158 PS AMH FIN HARA 151 (35k)
- 2158-PS AMH FIN HARA 153 (31k)
- 2158 PS AMH FIN HARA 150 (29k)
- ESSB 5323 - Reducing pollution from plastic bags by establishing minimum state standards for the use of bags at retail establishments.
- Bill Report: 5323-S.E HBR ENVI 19 (97k)
- ESSB 5323 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Fiscal Note
- 5323 ESSB FN (422k)
- ESSB 5228 - Concerning the authorization to impose special excise taxes on the sale of lodging. (REVISED FOR ENGROSSED: Concerning the authorization to impose special excise taxes on the sale of lodging in certain counties. ). - NO ACTION