Washington State Legislature
Committee Documents
House Appropriations 2/21/2019 3:30 PM
House Appropriations 2/21/2019 3:30 PM
House Appropriations 2/21/2019 3:30 PM
- Agenda (21k)
Public Hearing
- HB 1013 - Concerning the Walla Walla watershed management pilot program.
- Bill Report: 1013 HBR RDAN 19 (93k)
- HB 1013 Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 1013 FN (429k)
- 1013 FN Prelim (322k)
- SHB 1110 - Reducing the greenhouse gas emissions associated with transportation fuels.
- Bill Report: 1110 HBR TR 19 (127k)
- HB 1110 Text
- SHB 1110 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 1110-S (184k)
- Fiscal Note
- 1110-s FN Prelim (809k)
- SHB 1113 - Amending state greenhouse gas emission limits for consistency with the most recent assessment of climate change science and with the United States' commitment under the 2015 Paris climate agreement.
- Bill Report: 1113 HBR ENVI 19 (94k)
- HB 1113 Text
- SHB 1113 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 1113-S (73k)
- 1113 P2SHB - H-2046.1 with effect (142k)
- Fiscal Note
- 1113-s FN (547k)
- HB 1177 - Creating the dental laboratory registry within the department of health and establishing minimum standards for dental laboratories serving dentists in Washington state.
- Bill Report: 1177 HBR HCW 19 (88k)
- HB 1177 Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 1177 FN (275k)
- HB 1199 - Concerning health care for working individuals with disabilities.
- Bill Report: 1199 HBR HCW 19 (85k)
- HB 1199 Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 1199 FN (918k)
- SHB 1273 - Analyzing state regulatory impact on small forest landowners.
- Bill Report: 1273 HBR RDAN 19 (91k)
- HB 1273 Text
- SHB 1273 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 1273-S (65k)
- Fiscal Note
- 1273-s FN (316k)
- SHB 1328 - Increasing employment opportunities for spouses of military members.
- Bill Report: 1328 HBR HOUS 19 (91k)
- HB 1328 Text
- SHB 1328 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 1328-S (64k)
- Fiscal Note
- 1328-s FN prelim (822k)
- 1328 FN (1864k)
- HB 1445 - Making unemployment benefits accessible to persons with family responsibilities and other availability issues and making clarifying changes.
- Bill Report: 1445 HBR LAWS 19 (94k)
- HB 1445 Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 1445 FN (309k)
- SHB 1448 - Creating the veterans service officer program.
- Bill Report: 1448 HBR HOUS 19 (87k)
- HB 1448 Text
- SHB 1448 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 1448-S (60k)
- Fiscal Note
- 1448 FN (120k)
- SHB 1521 - Providing for accountability and transparency in government contracting.
- Bill Report: 1521 HBR SGOV 19 (97k)
- HB 1521 Text
- SHB 1521 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 1521-S (111k)
- Fiscal Note
- 1521-s FN Prelim (1258k)
- HB 1915 - Increasing the annual fee for child support enforcement services to implement federal program requirements.
- Bill Analysis (77k)
- HB 1915 Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 1915 FN (114k)
- HB 1980 - Exempting federal tax lien documents from recording surcharges.
- Bill Analysis (78k)
- HB 1980 Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 1980 FN prelim (261k)
Possible Executive Session
- SHB 1042 - Granting interest arbitration to department of corrections employees.
- Bill Report: 1042 HBR LAWS 19 02/18/19 02/20/19 (88k)
- HB 1042 Text
- SHB 1042 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Fiscal Note
- 1042 FN 02/18/19 02/20/19 (397k)
- SHB 1105 - Protecting taxpayers from home foreclosure.
- Bill Report: 1105 HBR LG 19 02/04/19 (98k)
- HB 1105 Text
- SHB 1105 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Fiscal Note
- 1105-s FN 02/04/19 (358k)
- SHB 1114 - Reducing the wasting of food in order to fight hunger and reduce environmental impacts.
- Bill Report: 1114 HBR ENVI 19 02/04/19 02/18/19 02/20/19 (99k)
- HB 1114 Text
- SHB 1114 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Fiscal Note
- HB 1748 - Concerning the hospital safety net assessment. - NO ACTION