Washington State Legislature
Committee Documents
House Community Development, Housing & Tribal Affairs 1/23/2018 10:00 AM
House Community Development, Housing & Tribal Affairs 1/23/2018 10:00 AM
House Community Development, Housing & Tribal Affairs 1/23/2018 10:00 AM
- Agenda (18k)
Public Hearing
- HB 2635 - Creating a military benefit zone program.
- Bill Analysis (91k)
- HB 2635 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Fiscal Note
- 2635 FN (413k)
- HB 2645 - Addressing the definition of veterans of armed conflicts.
- Bill Analysis (84k)
- HB 2645 Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 2645 FN (559k)
- HB 2503 - Concerning zoning regulations relating to accessory dwelling units.
- Bill Analysis (81k)
- HB 2503 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 2503 AMH CDHT KLEE 129 (25k)
- HB 2480 - Providing local governments with options to preserve affordable housing in single-family neighborhoods.
- Bill Analysis (88k)
- HB 2480 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- H-4100.1 Adopted (93k)
- Fiscal Note
- 2480 FN (370k)
- HB 2851 - Clarifying the calculation of military leave for officers and employees that work shifts spanning more than one calendar day.
- Bill Analysis (79k)
- HB 2851 Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 2851 FN (423k)
Executive Session
- HB 2538 - Exempting impact fees for low-income housing development. - NO ACTION
- Bill Analysis (80k)
- HB 2538 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Fiscal Note
- 2538 FN (255k)
- HB 2004 - Concerning the retirement age for state guard members.
- Bill Analysis (80k)
- HB 2004 Text
- SHB 2004 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- H-4126.1 Adopted (22k)
- SHB 1987 - Concerning allowing affordable housing development on religious organization property. - NO ACTION
- HB 1987 Text
- SHB 1987 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- HB 1063 - Allowing federally recognized tribes with lands held in trust in a county that is west of the Cascade mountain range that borders Puget Sound with a population of at least one hundred eighteen thousand, but less than two hundred fifty thousand, persons to enter into agreements regarding fuel taxes. - NO ACTION
- Bill Analysis (83k)
- HB 1063 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Fiscal Note
- 1063 FN (89k)