Washington State Legislature
Committee Documents
House Appropriations 2/22/2016 3:30 PM
House Appropriations 2/22/2016 3:30 PM
House Appropriations 2/22/2016 3:30 PM
- Agenda (38k)
Public Hearing
- SHB 2839 - Providing a sales and use tax exemption for certain new building construction to be used by maintenance repair operators for airplane repair and maintenance.
- Bill Report (89k)
- HB 2839 Text
- SHB 2839 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 2839-S (50k)
- 2839-S H-4601.2 Adopted (7k)
- Fiscal Note
- 2839-s FN Prelim (188k)
- HB 2376 - Making 2016 supplemental operating appropriations.
- Bill Analysis (75k)
- HB 2376 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 2376 PSHB - H-4506 1 Dunshee Adopted as Amended (1651k)
- 2376-PS AMH APP SOBO 021 Failed (84k)
- 2376-PS AMH APP SOBO 020 Adopted (81k)
- 2376-PS AMH APP JOHD 054 Adopted (83k)
- 2376-PS AMH APP BUNC 057 Adopted (88k)
- 2376-S AMH APP HARJ 200 Adopted (100k)
- 2376-PS AMH APP TOUL 122 Adopted (86k)
- 2376-PS AMH APP MULH 100 Adopted (82k)
- 2376-PS AMH APP CORN 245 Failed (92k)
- 2376-PS AMH APP CORN 246 Adopted (88k)
- 2376-PS AMH APP CORN 248 Adopted (91k)
- 2376-PS AMH APP JOND 081 Adopted (8k)
- 2376-PS AMH APP JOND 075 Adopted (8k)
- 2376-PS AMH APP JOND 078 Adopted (8k)
- 2376-PS AMH APP JOND 079 Adopted (7k)
- 2376-PS AMH APP JOND 080 Adopted (7k)
- 2376-PS AMH APP JOND 074 Failed (8k)
- 2376-PS AMH APP HARJ 195 Adopted (17k)
- 2376-S AMH APP HARJ 199 Adopted (15k)
- 2376-PS AMH APP HARJ 197 Adopted (17k)
- 2376-PS AMH APP LUCE 185 Adopted (94k)
- 2376-PS AMH APP LUCE 192 Adopted (87k)
- 2376-PS AMH APP LUCE 189 Adopted (87k)
- 2376-PS AMH APP LUCE 186 Adopted (92k)
- 2376-PS AMH APP PRIN 505 Adopted (94k)
- 2376-PS AMH APP FRAS 677 Adopted (83k)
- 2376-PS AMH APP PRIN 506 Adopted as Amended (97k)
- 2376-PS AMH APP PRIN 507 Adopted (86k)
- PSHB 2376 Topic: Early Learning and Higher Education.
- PSHB 2376 Topic: General Government.
- PSHB 2376 Topic: Health and Human Services.
- PSHB 2376 Topic: K-12 Education.
- PSHB 2376 Topic: Natural Resources.
- HB 2988 - Making expenditures from the budget stabilization account to make critical investments.
- Bill Analysis (74k)
- HB 2988 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 2988 PSHB - H-4504 1 Adopted (111k)