Washington State Legislature
Committee Documents
House Local Government 1/28/2015 8:00 AM
House Local Government 1/28/2015 8:00 AM
House Local Government 1/28/2015 8:00 AM
- Agenda (25k)
Public Hearing
- HB 1310 - Concerning standards adopted by the national fire protection association and the state building code council.
- Bill Analysis (84k)
- HB 1310 Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 1310 FN (256k)
- HB 1313 - Granting fire protection districts and regional fire protection service authorities biennial budget authority.
- Bill Analysis (76k)
- HB 1313 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- HB 1317 - Revising the lien for collection of sewer charges by counties.
- HB 1337 - Increasing the flexibility for industrial development district levies for public port districts.
- Bill Analysis (87k)
- HB 1337 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Fiscal Note
- 1337 FN (191k)
Possible Executive Session
- HB 1009 - Allowing rural counties providing emergency medical services to locations with a rural amphitheater to impose an additional admissions surcharge. - NO ACTION
- Bill Analysis (81k)
- HB 1009 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Fiscal Note
- 1009 FN (347k)
- HB 1145 - Allowing joint meetings of county legislative authorities under certain circumstances.
- Bill Analysis (76k)
- HB 1145 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- HB 1170 - Granting port districts certain administrative powers.
- Bill Analysis (86k)
- HB 1170 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Fiscal Note
- 1170 FN (255k)
- HB 1189 - Regarding hours of availability of cities, towns, and special purpose districts for inspection and copying of public records.