Washington State Legislature
Committee Documents
House Finance 2/25/2013 8:00 AM
House Finance 2/25/2013 8:00 AM
House Finance 2/25/2013 8:00 AM
- Agenda (25k)
Public Hearing
- SHB 1301 - Creating clean energy jobs in Washington state through renewable energy incentives.
- Bill Report (109k)
- HB 1301 Text
- SHB 1301 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 1301-S (154k)
- 1301P2SHB H-1868 1 Adopted (2015k)
- Fiscal Note
- 1301.FN (304k)
- 1301-2S.FN (394k)
- SHB 1323 - Regarding the sea cucumber dive fishery.
- Bill Report (81k)
- HB 1323 Text
- SHB 1323 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 1323-S (22k)
- Fiscal Note
- 1323-S.FN (285k)
- SHB 1416 - Regarding the financing of irrigation district improvements.
- Bill Report (94k)
- HB 1416 Text
- SHB 1416 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 1416-S Adopted (173k)
- 1416-S AMH FIN MOET 627 Adopted (76k)
- Fiscal Note
- 1416-S.FN prelim (182k)
- 1416-S.FN Final (271k)
- HB 1420 - Concerning public contracts for transportation improvement projects.
- Bill Report (88k)
- HB 1420 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 1420 PSHB H-1846 1 Adopted (2127k)
- Fiscal Note
- 1420.FN (745k)
- HB 1910 - Concerning the sales and use tax exemption expiration date for machinery and equipment used in generating electricity.
- Bill Analysis (76k)
- HB 1910 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 1910 PSHB H-1869.1 Adopted (2092k)
- 1910 PS AMH H-1875 1 Failed (8k)
- Fiscal Note
- 1910.FN (278k)
- HB 1705 - Providing incentives for solar energy.
- Bill Analysis (76k)
- HB 1705 Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 1705.FN (277k)
Executive Session
- HB 1421 - Protecting the state's interest in collecting deferred property taxes.
- Bill Analysis (76k)
- EHB 1421 Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 1421.FN (232k)
- HB 1517 - Concerning a business and occupation tax exemption for the Washington health benefit exchange established under chapter 43.71 RCW.
- Bill Analysis (77k)
- HB 1517 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Fiscal Note
- 1517.FN (398k)
- HB 1604 - Reducing the frequency of local sales and use tax changes.
- Bill Analysis (74k)
- HB 1604 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Fiscal Note
- 1604.FN prelim (147k)
- 1604.FN final (230k)
- SHB 1323 - Regarding the sea cucumber dive fishery.
- Bill Report (81k)
- HB 1323 Text
- SHB 1323 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 1323-S (22k)
- Fiscal Note
- 1323-S.FN (285k)
- SHB 1416 - Regarding the financing of irrigation district improvements.
- Bill Report (94k)
- HB 1416 Text
- SHB 1416 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 1416-S Adopted (173k)
- 1416-S AMH FIN MOET 627 Adopted (76k)
- Fiscal Note
- 1416-S.FN prelim (182k)
- 1416-S.FN Final (271k)
- HB 1420 - Concerning public contracts for transportation improvement projects. - NO ACTION
- Bill Report (88k)
- HB 1420 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 1420 PSHB H-1846 1 Adopted (2127k)
- Fiscal Note
- 1420.FN (745k)