Washington State Legislature
Committee Documents
House Higher Education 1/26/2012 10:00 AM
House Higher Education 1/26/2012 10:00 AM
House Higher Education 1/26/2012 10:00 AM
Public Hearing
- HB 2368 - Requiring that at least one member on each community college board of trustees be from labor (continue public hearing from January 18).
Executive Session
- HB 2352 - Concerning institutions of higher education services and activities fees.
- Bill Analysis (78k)
- HB 2352 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Fiscal Note
- 2352 HB - Preliminary Fiscal Note (244k)
- 2352 HB - Final Fiscal Note (320k)
- HB 2483 - Creating the office of the student achievement council. - NO ACTION
- Bill Analysis (91k)
- HB 2483 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- H-3754 1 (PSHB 2483) by Rep Seaquist with effect s (103k)
- To H-3754 1 - 2483-PS AMH HE MATH 136 (83k)
- To H-3754 1 - 2483-PS AMH HE MATH 140 (82k)
- To H-3754 1 - 2483-PS AMH HE MATH 141 (84k)
- To H-3754 1 - H-3880.1 by Rep. Seaquist and Effect (105k)
- To H-3754 1 - 2483-PS AMH HE MATH 138 (81k)
- To H-3754 1 - 2483-PS AMH HE MATH 139 (82k)
- To H-3754 1 - 2483-PS AMH HE MATH 134 (83k)
- To H-3754 1 - 2483-PS AMH HE MATH 142 (91k)
- To H-3754 1 - H-3877.1 by Rep. Haler and Effect (1030k)
- H-3754 3 - Second PSHB 2483 by Rep. Seaquist Adopted (251k)
- To H-3754 3 - 2483-PS AMH HE REIN 011 Adopted (85k)
- To H-3754 3 - 2483-PS AMH HE REIN 013 Adopted (81k)
- To H-3754 3 - 2483-PS AMH HE MATH 151 Failed (81k)
- To H-3754 3 - 2483-PS AMH HE MATH 149 Adopted (82k)
- To H-3754 3 - 2483-PS AMH HE REIN 010 Failed (83k)
- To H-3754 3 - 2483-PS AMH HE MATH 150 Adopted (83k)
- To H-3754 3 - 2483-PS AMH HE REIN 014 (2) Withdrawn (97k)
- To H-3754 3 - 2483-PS AMH HE MATH 148 Adopted (81k)
- To H-3754 3 - 2483-PS AMH HE MATH 147 Failed (89k)
- To H-3754 3 - 2483-PS AMH HE MATH 145 Failed (94k)
- To H-3754 3 - 2483-PS AMH HE REIN 012 Failed (106k)
- To H-3754 3 - H-4021 1 by Rep. Haler and Effect Withdrawn (911k)
- Fiscal Note
- HB 2313 - Concerning the meeting procedures of the boards of trustees and boards of regents of institutions of higher education.
- Bill Analysis (77k)
- HB 2313 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 2313 Prop Sub Adopted (57k)
- HB 2585 - Creating efficiencies for institutions of higher education.
- Bill Analysis (83k)
- HB 2585 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- HB 2259 - Eliminating certain duplicative higher education reporting requirements.
- Bill Analysis (79k)
- HB 2259 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- HB 2368 - Requiring that at least one member on each community college board of trustees be from labor. (REVISED FOR ENGROSSED: Requiring that the board of trustees for each college district include at least one member from labor. )
- HB 2503 - Requiring institutions of higher education to provide early registration for eligible veterans and national guard members. - NO ACTION
- Bill Analysis (81k)
- HB 2503 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Fiscal Note
- 2503 SHB - Final Fiscal Note (319k)
- HB 2345 - Creating a higher education registration priority for eligible veterans and national guard members. - NO ACTION
- Bill Analysis (81k)
- HB 2345 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 2345 PSHB (23k)
- Fiscal Note
- 2345 HB - Preliminary Fiscal Note (159k)
- 2345 HB - Final Fiscal Note (234k)